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Baal HaSulam / A Word of Truth

Introduction, “A Word of Truth”

“Abraham was old and of many days, and the Lord blessed Abraham with everything” (Genesis 24:1). Noam Elimelech interprets (portion Hayeh Sarah) that when he came to the degrees of “days,” regarded as Hassadim [mercies], “the Lord blessed him with everything,” meaning with the whole of Israel, for the righteous who draws bestowal does not aim for himself at all, for he will not need them at all. Rather, his only intention is the salvation of the whole of Israel, and he will not fear for himself at all, as though he is not present in this world at all. Only the Creator watches over the righteous and blesses him with the whole of Israel, and this is “The Lord blessed Abraham with everything.”

It seems that this is the meaning of “Anyone who asks for mercy for his friend and needs the same thing is answered first” (Baba Kama 92). In other words, a righteous who truly needs that thing, as well, but for all his sanctity does not feel it, and when he prays he aims for all of Israel to be redeemed, this is why he is answered first in person, since the Creator knows that he will not stop his sanctity due to his personal salvation, and as before, so now, he will be just as enthusiastic about praying for the comfort of Israel for he will not feel himself at all, as though he is not present in the world. Understand this well, for this is the whole of man.