Baal HaSulam
Michael Laitman
Other Kabbalists
Bnei Baruch
Baal HaSulam / Three Conditions in Prayer
I heard
There are three conditions in prayer:
Believing that He can save him. Although he has the worst conditions of all his contemporaries, still, “Will the Lord’s hand be too short to save him?” If it is not so, then “the Landlord cannot save His vessels.”
He no longer has any choice for he has already done all that he could but saw no cure to his plight.
If He does not help him, he will be better off dead than alive. Prayer means “lost in the heart.” The more one is lost, so is the measure of his prayer. Clearly, one who lacks luxuries is not like one who has been sentenced to death, and only the execution is missing, and he is already tied with iron chains, and he is standing and pleading for his life. He will certainly not rest or sleep or be distracted for even a moment from praying for his life.