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Man's Pride Shall Bring Him Low
203. Man's Pride Shall Bring Him Low
I heard on Sukkot Inter 2, October 12, 1938
“Man’s pride shall bring him low.” It is known that a man is born in utter lowliness. However, if the lowly one knows his place then he does not suffer for being low, as this is his place. For example, the legs are not at all degraded because they are always walking in the litter and must carry the full weight of the body, whereas the head is always above, since because they know their place. Hence, the legs are not at all degraded and do not suffer for being on a low degree.
Yet, if they had wanted to be on top but were forced to be below, they would feel the suffering. This is the meaning of “Man’s pride shall bring him low.” If one wants to remain in one’s lowliness, he does not feel any lowliness, meaning no suffering that “Man is born a wild ass’s colt.” But when they want to be proud they feel the lowliness, and then they suffer.
Suffering and lowliness go hand in hand. If one feels no suffering, it is considered that he has no lowliness. It is precisely according to the measure of one’s pride, or that he wants to be but is not, so he feels the lowliness. This lowliness later becomes a Kli [vessel] for pride, as it is written, “The Lord reigns; He wears pride.” If they adhere to the Creator, they have a clothing of pride, as it is written, “Pride and glory are to the One who lives forever.” Those who adhere to the One who lives forever have much pride. And to the extent that he feels the lowliness, and according to the measure of his suffering, so he is rewarded with the clothing of the Creator.