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Spirituality and Corporeality
201. Spirituality and Corporeality
I heard on Hanukkah 1, December 18, 1938
Why do we see that there are many people who work so diligently for corporeality, even in life-threatening places, but in spirituality, each and every one examines one’s soul very carefully? Moreover, one can exert in corporeality even when he is not given a great reward for his work. But in spirituality, one cannot agree to work unless he knows for certain that he will receive a good reward for his work.
The thing is that it is known that the body is worthless. After all, everyone sees that it is passing and leaves without a trace, so it is easy to abandon it, as it is worthless anyway.
But in spirituality, there are Klipot [shells] which guard the body and sustain it. This is why it is hard to abandon it. This is why we see that it is easier for secular people to abandon their body and they do not find heaviness in their body.
But this is not so in spirituality. This is the Achoraim [posterior] of Kedusha [holiness], called “devotion.” It is specifically through this that one is awarded the light. And before one is completely devoted, he cannot achieve any degree.