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The Reason for Not Eating Nuts on Rosh Hashanah
120. The Reason for Not Eating Nuts on Rosh Hashanah
I heard at the end of Rosh Hashanah, 1942, Jerusalem
The reason for not eating nuts on Rosh Hashanah [Jewish New Year] is that Egoz [nut], in Gematria, is Het [sin]. And he asked, “But Egoz, in Gematria, is Tov [good]?” And he said that Egoz implies the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
And before one repents from love, the Egoz in him is still a sin. And one who has already been awarded repentance from love, his sins become for him as merits. It follows that the sin has been turned to good, and then he is permitted to eat nuts. This is why we should see that we eat only things that do not have any hint of a sin, which are considered the tree of life. However, things that have Gematria of Het imply the tree of knowledge of good and evil.