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What the Twelve Challahs on Shabbat Imply
106. What the Twelve Challahs on Shabbat Imply
I heard on Elul, August 1942
In the songs of Shabbat [Sabbath] it is written, “will reveal to us the flavor of twelve challahs [Sabbath bread], which are a letter in His name, multiplied and faint.”
We should interpret the words of the holy ARI. It is known that two Vavs were made by the second Tzimtzum [restriction], meaning the right side and the left side. This is the meaning of the multiplication, from the word “multiply.” And from this, from the power of the correction of the second Tzimtzum when there was the association of the quality of mercy with the judgment, the judgment became fainter than it was prior to the sweetening.
Afterward, the two Vavs shine in Malchut, which means “the gathering Zayins.” The Zayins are Malchut called “seventh,” who gather the two Vavs within her.
The seventh day is considered Gmar Tikkun [the end of correction], discerned as the end of days. However, it also shines in the six thousand years. This is the meaning of the six workdays, discerned as “that God has created to do.” And Shabbat is called “resting” (as it is written, “and on the seventh day He ceased from work and rested”).
This is considered Shabbat [Sabbath], which shines in the six thousand years, as then the Shabbat is considered resting, like a person carrying a load, and stands to rest along the way to regain his strength. Afterward, he should carry the weight once more. But on the Shabbat of Gmar Tikkun, there is nothing more to add; hence, there is no more work at all.