Who
Created
These
of
Elijah
11)
Rabbi
Shimon
said,
“Elazar
my
son,
cease
talking,
and
you
will
discover
the
concealing
of
the
uppermost
secret
that
the
people
of
the
world
do
not
know.”
Rabbi
Elazar
went
silent.
Rabbi
Shimon
wept
and
said,
“Elazar,
what
is
[these]?
If
you
say
that
it
is
the
stars
and
the
signs,
are
they
always
visible?
And
in
[what],
which
is
Malchut,
were
they
created?
It
is
written,
‘The
heavens
were
made
by
the
word
of
the
Lord.’
The
heavens
were
made
by
Malchut,
who
is
called
‘The
word
of
the
Lord.’
And
if
was
said
about
the
hidden
things,
it
should
not
have
written
since
they
are
disclosed
stars
and
signs.”
Explanation:
Here
Rabbi
Elazar
disclosed
the
Mochin
of
the
first
Gadlut,
and
Rabbi
Shimon
wished
to
disclose
the
Mochin
of
the
second
Gadlut,
the
upper
Mochin
of
Haya.
This
is
why
he
commanded
him
to
cease
his
words,
so
he
would
reveal
to
him
the
hiding
of
the
uppermost
secret,
which
the
people
of
the
world
do
not
know,
for
these
Mochin
were
not
yet
revealed
in
the
world,
and
Rabbi
Shimon
revealed
them
here.
Rabbi
Shimon
asked,
“What
is
Which
innovation
does
the
text
bring
us
here,
in
[Who]
created
[these],”
which
are
the
If
you
say
that
it
is
the
stars
and
the
signs,
the
Mochin
of
of
Gadlut
that
they
obtained,
and
that
this
is
what
the
words
“Who
created
these”
concern,
since
Mochin
of
are
called
“stars
and
signs,”
he
asks
about
that,
“What
innovation
is
it?”
After
all,
they
are
always
visible,
since
they
are
usual
Mochin,
which
can
always
be
extended,
even
on
weekdays.
They
are
not
such
a
great
innovation
that
the
words,
“Who
created
these”
will
appear
on
them.
Also,
we
cannot
interpret
that
these
Mochin
apply
constantly,
since
in
permanency,
has
only
the
level
of
without
a
Rosh,
and
only
by
raising
of
are
these
Mochin
extended.
Rather,
the
meaning
is
that
they
can
always
be
extended,
even
during
the
weekdays,
since
this
is
how
they
are
drawn
each
day
during
the
morning
prayer.
He
also
asks
him,
“With
[what]
were
they
created?”
These
Mochin
are
not
ascribed
to
Bina,
but
to
of
Atzilut,
which
are
called
and
from
which
they
came,
as
it
is
written,
“By
the
word
of
the
Lord,”
who
is
where
is
[the
Lord]
and
the
Nukva
is
“a
word.”
12)
However,
this
secret
was
revealed
only
in
a
single
day,
when
was
at
the
beach,
and
Elijah
came
and
told
me,
“Rabbi,
did
you
know
what
is
‘Who
created
these’?”
told
him,
“It
is
the
heaven
and
their
host,
the
work
of
the
Creator,
which
people
should
observe,
and
bless
Him,
as
it
is
written,
‘When
consider
Your
heavens,
the
work
of
Your
fingers.
Lord,
our
Lord,
how
great
is
Your
name
in
all
the
earth.’”
13)
He
told
me,
“Rabbi,
there
was
a
hidden
thing
before
the
Creator,
and
He
disclosed
it
in
the
assembly
above.”
When
the
more
hidden
of
all
that
are
hidden
wished
to
be
revealed,
he
first
made
a
little
point,
Malchut,
which
rose
into
being
a
thought,
Bina,
meaning
that
Malchut
rose
and
was
included
in
Bina.
In
it,
he
formed
all
the
images
and
engraved
all
the
engravings.
Explanation:
Atik,
the
first
Rosh
of
the
world
of
Atzilut,
is
called
“more
hidden
of
all
that
are
hidden.”
We
learn
about
it
that
any
leader
of
a
nation
who
is
not
corrected
first,
the
people
are
not
corrected.
From
where
do
we
know
that?
From
Atik
Yomin,
for
as
long
as
he
was
not
corrected
in
his
corrections,
all
those
who
need
correction
were
not
corrected
and
all
the
worlds
were
ruined.
When
Atik,
which
is
more
hidden
than
all
that
are
hidden,
wished
to
be
corrected,
he
corrected
everything
as
male
and
female.
He
raised
Malchut
to
Bina,
and
Malchut
became
the
Nukva
in
all
the
Sefirot,
where
each
Sefira
consisted
of
male
and
female,
and
this
Hochma,
which
is
the
whole
of
everything,
Hochma
of
the
thirty-two
paths,
when
she
came
out
and
illuminated
from
Atik,
she
illuminated
only
in
male
and
female,
meaning
that
Hochma
spread
and
elicited
Bina
out
of
her.
It
follows
that
they
are
male
and
female,
and
this
is
the
correction
of
the
second
restriction.
When
the
most
hidden
of
all
that
are
hidden
wished
to
be
disclosed,
he
first
made
a
point.
That
is,
when
Atik
wished
to
appear
in
the
worlds,
by
the
force
of
the
correction
in
the
second
restriction,
he
made
a
single
point
in
Rosh
of
in
his
Hochma,
raising
the
Malchut,
the
point,
to
Rosh
of
where
the
Nukva
that
raises
reflected
light
was
corrected,
clothing
the
ten
Sefirot
of
Rosh
and
the
Rosh
of
ended
at
the
Sefira,
Hochma
Stimaa.
Thus,
Hochma
was
as
a
male,
and
Nukva,
Bina,
and
of
Rosh
went
outside
the
Rosh,
to
the
degree
of
Guf
of
This
is
the
meaning
of
Hochma
expanding
and
ejecting
the
Bina
out
of
her
into
being
Guf.
This
point
of
Malchut—which
rose
to
Hochma,
and
by
which
Hochma
was
established
as
male
and
female—rose
because
of
it
and
became
a
thought,
Bina.
This
is
so
because
she
stands
in
coupling
with
Hochma,
receiving
from
Hochma,
and
one
who
receives
from
Hochma
is
regarded
as
Bina,
not
as
Malchut.
It
follows
that
even
though
at
her
root
Malchut
is
but
a
point,
she
became
Bina
because
of
the
ascent.
This
is
why
it
was
said,
“This
rose
into
being
a
thought,”
which
caused
the
point
to
be
Bina,
who
is
called
“a
thought.”
You
should
know
that
sometimes
The
Zohar
calls
by
the
name
“thought”
to
Hochma,
and
sometimes
to
Bina.
This
is
so
because
a
thought
means
Nukva
of
Hochma,
hence
she
should
be
called
Hochma,
for
she
is
the
Nukva
of
Hochma.
However,
in
and
of
herself,
she
is
Bina,
and
not
Hochma.
Yet,
Bina
is
called
“thought”
only
when
she
is
discerned
as
Rosh,
together
with
the
Hochma.
It
was
said
that
in
it,
he
formed
all
the
images
and
engraved
all
the
engravings.
This
is
so
because
at
the
point
when
she
rose
into
being
a
thought,
he
pictured
and
engraved
all
five
Partzufim
of
Atzilut,
and
“Formed”
in
her
and
“carved”
in
her
imply
to
a
great
matter.
“Formed
in
her”
means
that
he
was
emanated
by
all
the
images,
which
are
the
five
Partzufim
of
Atzilut.
That
is,
through
the
coupling
that
was
done
on
the
screen
at
the
point
that
rose
into
being
a
thought,
the
level
of
of
reflected
light
and
direct
light
in
the
vessels
of
came
out
in
each
Partzuf.
However,
he
engraved
all
the
engravings
in
her,
a
deficiency,
so
along
with
the
ascent
of
the
point
into
being
a
thought,
deficiencies
and
engravings
were
made,
which
are
preparations
for
a
receptacle
over
the
lights
in
all
the
Partzufim
of
Atzilut.
And
since
that
matter
is
the
foundation
of
all
the
Mochin
of
Atzilut,
it
should
be
thoroughly
clarified.
The
ascent
of
the
point
into
being
a
thought,
Bina,
is
by
making
a
new
Sium
[end]
in
the
ten
Sefirot
of
each
degree.
This
is
so
because
the
point,
Malchut,
with
the
screen
in
her,
which
stood
for
a
coupling
at
the
place
of
Malchut
of
the
ten
Sefirot
of
Rosh,
Peh,
and
ended
the
Rosh
there,
now
rose
to
the
place
of
Bina
of
Rosh,
which
is
called
Nikvey
Eynaim,
Nukva
of
Hochma,
which
is
Bina.
Thus,
a
coupling
was
made
on
her
screen,
at
the
place
of
Nikvey
Eynaim,
concluding
the
Rosh
there.
And
the
three
Sefirot,
Bina,
and
Malchut
of
the
Rosh,
who
are
called
descended
below
the
place
of
Sium
of
the
Rosh,
into
the
degree
of
Guf.
In
the
ten
Sefirot
of
Guf,
it
was
necessarily
done
likewise:
Malchut
that
ends
the
Guf
of
the
Partzuf
previously
stood
at
the
place
of
the
middle
point,
Malchut
of
the
ten
Sefirot
of
Guf,
called
Sium
Raglin.
Now
she
rose
to
the
place
of
Bina
of
Guf,
Tifferet,
since
of
Guf
are
concluding
the
Guf
at
Tifferet,
the
place
of
the
Chazeh,
and
those
three
Sefirot,
Bina
and
of
Guf,
which
are
called
came
out
of
Atzilut
and
fell
into
the
separated
Thus,
because
of
the
ascent
of
the
point
into
being
a
thought,
each
degree
was
split
into
two
halves,
where
the
upper
half,
remained
in
the
degree,
and
Bina
and
and
Nukva
of
each
degree
were
lost
from
it
and
descended
to
the
degree
below
it.
This
is
the
meaning
of
the
division
of
the
name
Elokim
to
the
letters
It
is
so
because
a
complete
degree
in
ten
Sefirot
is
called
by
the
holy
Name
Elokim,
in
which
there
are
five
letters
corresponding
to
the
five
Sefirot
The
letters
are
and
the
letters
Yod-Mem
are
Now
that
each
degree
was
divided
into
two,
where
remained
and
Bina
and
fell
from
her,
it
follows
that
only
the
two
letters
remained
in
each
degree,
and
the
three
letters
fell
from
each
degree
to
the
degree
below
it.
However,
accordingly,
the
two
letters
Aleph-Lamed
should
have
remained
in
the
degree,
and
the
Hey-Yod-Mem
should
have
fallen
into
the
degree
below
it.
The
thing
is
that
there
is
always
an
inverse
relation
between
vessels
and
lights.
In
the
vessels,
the
upper
ones
come
first:
First
comes
the
vessel
of
Keter,
then
the
vessel
of
Hochma,
through
the
vessel
of
Malchut.
It
is
the
opposite
in
lights.
In
them,
the
lower
ones
come
first:
first
comes
the
light
of
Malchut,
then
the
light
of
then
the
light
of
Bina,
through
the
light
of
Keter.
Thus,
if
there
are
the
two
vessels
then
there
are
the
two
lights,
light
of
Malchut
and
light
of
in
them,
which
are
called
For
this
reason,
we
discern
that
only
the
two
letters
remained
in
the
degree:
the
light
of
Malchut
and
the
light
of
of
the
name
Elokim.
But
the
three
letters
fell
from
them,
hence
each
degree
became
devoid
of
the
in
her.
It
was
said,
“In
it,
he
formed
all
the
images
and
engraved
all
the
engravings.”
This
implies
the
division
of
each
degree
into
two
halves
through
the
ascent
of
the
point
into
being
a
thought.
“In
it,
he
formed
all
the
images”
refers
to
the
two
letters
that
remain
in
the
whole
of
the
degree,
forming
the
image
of
“Carved
all
the
engravings”
refers
to
the
three
letters
which
fell
from
each
degree
and
became
deficient
of
them,
for
because
of
their
absence,
only
the
light
of
Malchut
and
the
light
of
remained
in
the
degree,
and
the
three
lights
of
are
missing
in
them,
since
there
is
no
light
without
a
vessel.
Thus,
if
they
were
to
obtain
the
vessels
of
Bina
and
once
more,
they
would
immediately
obtain
of
lights,
as
well,
for
they
are
interdependent.
14)
Engraved
within
the
holy,
hidden
candle
refers
to
the
Malchut
that
was
included
in
Bina,
a
carving
of
a
single
hidden
image,
the
holy
of
holies,
which
is
a
deep
structure
that
comes
out
of
the
thought,
and
is
called
the
beginning
of
the
structure.
It
stands
and
it
does
not
stand,
deep
and
hidden
in
the
name
Elokim.
Also,
it
is
called
of
Elokim,
meaning
that
the
letters
are
lacking
from
the
name
Elokim.
He
wished
to
be
revealed
and
be
called
by
the
name
Elokim;
He
clothed
in
the
luminous
garment
of
honor,
the
light
of
Hassadim,
and
created
these
And
the
letters
rose
in
the
name
Elokim,
meaning
that
the
letters
conjoined
with
each
other—the
letters
with
the
letters
ELEH—and
the
name
Elokim
was
completed.
As
long
as
He
did
not
create
it
did
not
merit
the
name
Elokim,
and
those
who
sinned
with
the
calf
said
about
it,
“These
are
your
gods,
Israel.”
Explanation:
Through
ascent
of
from
the
lower
ones,
a
new
light
was
extended
from
of
since
this
light
from
of
above
the
second
restriction,
breaks
each
degree
into
two.
Hence,
when
this
light
extends
to
the
Rosh
of
it
lowers
the
point
from
the
thought
once
more,
from
the
place
of
Bina,
back
to
her
place,
the
place
of
Malchut
of
the
Rosh,
as
it
was
prior
to
the
second
restriction.
And
the
three
Sefirot
Bina,
and
Malchut
that
fell
from
the
Rosh
return
to
being
Rosh
because
the
coupling
was
done
in
the
place
of
the
Malchut,
below
them.
This
is
considered
that
the
name
Elokim
was
revealed
once
more,
since
the
three
letters
joined
the
at
the
same
degree
once
more,
and
the
name
Elokim
was
completed
in
the
degree.
And
since
Bina
and
of
the
vessels
returned,
the
of
lights
returned,
as
well,
and
of
lights
clothed
in
the
five
letters
of
the
name
Elokim:
the
lights
of
in
the
lights
of
in
Yod-Mem.
Remember
this
well—that
the
fallen
are
regarded
as
the
vessels
of
Bina
and
that
are
missing
in
the
degree.
However,
when
unite
in
the
name
Elokim,
they
become
lights
of
due
to
the
inverse
relation
between
the
vessels
and
the
lights.
It
was
said,
“Engraved
within
the
holy,
hidden
candle,”
referring
to
the
Malchut
that
was
included
in
Bina,
meaning
that
a
screen
and
a
place
of
coupling
was
engraved
anew
in
Malchut
of
Rosh
which
is
called
“the
hidden
holy
candle.”
This
is
an
engraving
of
a
hidden
image,
the
holy
of
holies,
and
this
new
carving
extends
an
image,
a
level
of
ten
Sefirot,
the
holy
of
holies,
the
level
of
which
is
called
“the
holy
of
holies.”
And
because
it
comes
out
of
a
thought,
since
the
point
that
rose
to
being
a
thought
has
now
come
out
of
a
thought
and
arrived
at
its
real
place—the
place
of
Malchut
of
Rosh—the
three
vessels
Bina,
and
Nukva,
have
now
returned
to
the
degree
of
Rosh,
and
the
name
Elokim
was
completed.
He
calls
this
level
of
by
the
name
“a
hidden
image.”
It
was
said
that
it
is
called
the
beginning
of
the
structure,
for
although
have
already
conjoined
with
and
the
name
Elokim
was
made,
it
is
still
only
called
and
it
is
the
beginning
of
the
structure
of
the
name
Elokim
because
the
structure
is
still
incomplete.
“It
stands
and
it
does
not
stand.”
On
the
one
hand,
the
structure
is
already
standing
utterly
complete,
since
the
place
of
the
coupling
returned
to
its
place
at
Peh
of
Rosh,
and
Bina
and
returned
to
the
degree,
as
did
of
lights,
and
the
name
Elokim
was
completed.
But
on
the
other
hand,
the
structure
of
the
name
is
still
not
standing
because
it
is
deep
and
hidden
in
the
name
Elokim,
since
the
lights
of
the
name
Elokim
are
still
deep
and
hidden,
and
do
not
shine
in
which
are
Bina
and
who
rose
to
the
place
of
the
Rosh.
This
is
so
because
due
to
their
ascent
to
Rosh
where
only
Hochma
shines,
there
is
only
light
of
Hochma
at
this
level.
And
since
they
are
and
that
rose
cannot
receive
the
Hochma
without
clothing
inside
Hassadim,
and
Hassadim
have
no
name,
they,
too,
cannot
receive
the
Hochma.
Therefore,
it
is
considered
that
the
name
is
deep
and
hidden
and
is
still
not
spreading
in
the
three
letters
For
this
reason,
the
structure
of
this
level
is
still
regarded
as
“not
standing,”
and
are
still
not
revealed
in
her.
Prior
to
this,
it
is
still
called
since
the
letters
are
still
hidden
in
the
name
Elokim,
and
there
is
only
there.
“He
wished
to
be
revealed
and
be
called
by
the
name
Elokim,”
since
the
name
has
already
been
completed
because
have
already
risen
to
the
Rosh,
for
which
they
do
not
shine
at
all.
For
this
reason,
He
wished
to
be
revealed
and
to
be
called
by
the
name
Elokim.
“He
clothed
in
the
luminous
garment
of
honor,”
the
light
of
Hassadim,
and
created
Interpretation:
Since
the
whole
concealment
of
the
name,
that
it
cannot
shine
in
is
due
to
the
lack
of
clothing
of
Hassadim.
Because
cannot
receive
light
of
Hochma
without
Hassadim,
he
made
the
coupling
of
Katnut
once
more,
as
while
it
was
clothed
in
Guf
of
extending
the
level
of
Hassadim,
the
level
of
Hochma
clothed
in
the
light
of
Hassadim
that
she
extended.
And
that
light
became
a
luminous
garment
of
honor
for
that
level.
Through
that
clothing
of
Hassadim,
it
can
illuminate
the
light
of
Hochma
in
which
are
He
created
and
the
letters
[Aleph-Lamed-Hey]
rose
in
the
name
Elokim.
In
other
words,
through
the
garment
of
honor,
the
level
of
Hassadim
that
he
received
from
the
coupling
of
the
Guf
below
the
Chazeh,
which
is
called
Beria
[creation],
He
created
these,
meaning
imparted
the
light
upon
By
that,
the
letters
rose
in
the
name
Elokim.
This
is
so
because
since
they
already
have
a
garment
of
honor
from
Hassadim,
they
can
receive
Hochma
in
it,
as
well,
and
then
appeared
in
the
name
Elokim,
since
now
Bina
and
shine
in
it
in
all
the
wholeness
that
is
in
them.
It
is
considered
that
now
the
name
Elokim
was
disclosed
and
revealed.
And
it
was
said
that
the
letters
conjoined
with
each
other,
in
and
the
name
Elokim
was
completed,
since
now
receive
the
level
of
Hochma
because
they
have
obtained
the
clothing
of
Hassadim,
and
all
five
letters
Elokim
illuminate
in
full.
“As
long
as
He
did
not
create
it
did
not
merit
the
name
Elokim.”
This
is
so
because
before
gave
them
the
light
of
Hassadim
for
clothing,
could
not
receive
anything
from
and
Elokim
illuminated
only
in
“And
those
who
sinned
with
the
calf
said
about
it,
‘These
are
your
gods,
Israel,’”
since
they
blemished
the
luminous
garment
of
honor.
For
this
reason,
the
was
separated
from
which
is
why
they
said,
“These
are
your
gods,”
and
the
abundance
went
out
to
other
gods.
15)
And
as
conjoined
with
and
became
the
name
Elokim
through
the
luminous
garment
of
honor,
the
light
of
Hassadim,
the
name
always
bonds
through
the
luminous
garment
of
honor.
It
is
on
that
that
the
world
exists,
as
it
is
written,
“A
world
of
Hesed
[grace/mercy]
shall
be
built.”
Elijah
fled
and
did
not
see
him.
But
knew
the
matter
from
him,
for
perceived
his
secret
and
concealment.
Rabbi
Elazar
and
all
the
friends
came
and
bowed
before
him.
They
wept
and
said,
“If
we
came
to
the
world
only
to
hear
that,
we
would
be
content.”
Interpretation:
In
the
same
way
that
it
is
explained
that
he
did
not
merit
the
name
Elokim
before
the
level
of
Hochma
clothed
in
the
luminous
garment
of
honor,
and
conjoined
with
and
became
the
name
Elokim,
the
name
always
bonds
and
exists
forever,
and
does
not
merit
the
name
Elokim
without
the
luminous
garment
of
honor.
And
by
that,
the
world
exists.
The
lower
world,
too,
Nukva,
receives
the
Mochin
in
this
manner
of
associating
with
and
is
completed
like
the
upper
world,
as
Rabbi
Shimon
gradually
explains.
This
contradicts
Rabbi
Elazar,
who
said
about
the
lower
world,
“When
[what]
arrived
there,
it
is
meaning
what
did
you
know?
After
all,
it
is
as
concealed
as
before.”
It
follows
that
according
to
his
words,
the
lower
world
does
not
exist
like
the
upper
world.
And
it
is
said
that
by
that
the
world
exists
in
the
same
manner
as
the
upper
world.
For
this
reason,
Rabbi
Shimon
ceased
his
words
above.
But
Elijah
interpreted
only
the
order
of
the
Mochin
and
the
construction
of
the
name
Elokim
in
He
did
not
explain
how
the
order
of
the
structure
of
Elokim
is
in
the
Nukva.