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When He Let His Hand Down, Amalek Prevailed
907. When He Let His Hand Down, Amalek Prevailed
“When he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed.” The question is, Why did Moses let down his hands?
The thing is that Amalek is described in the holy books as a Klipa [shell/peel] against faith. Moses’ hands are faith, since hands imply attainment, from the words, “For the hand attains,” and all of Moses’ attainment is through faith. This is why Moses is called “the loyal shepherd.”
By this we can interpret that when Israel saw that Moses raised his hands, meaning that Israel exalted Moses’ hands, Israel prevailed to the extent of the exaltedness of the matter, since one who despises faith cannot receive the vitality that is found in the power of faith.
This is the meaning of “Moses’ hands were heavy,” meaning it was heavy and hard for Israel to maintain the importance of Moses’ hands. This means that they felt heaviness in faith, that the burden of faith was a burden and a toil for them.
“They took a stone and placed it under him.” Even [stone] comes from the word Havanah [understanding]. This means that they took all the understandings and concepts and placed them under Moses, meaning under faith. That is, faith, which is called “Moses,” rode over the mind, called “understanding” and “stone.”
Aaron and Hur supported his hands, meaning the faith, helping Israel raise Moses’ hands. In other words, they gave strength to the people of Israel to exalt faith. This is the meaning of “His hands were faith until the sun set.” In other words, they took upon themselves the faith up to the measure of the annulment of all the power of the intellect, called “sun.”