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There Has Never Risen a Prophet Like Moses
711. There Has Never Risen a Prophet Like Moses
There has never risen a prophet like Moses, but a sage did rise (end of Yalkut HaReuveni).
We should ask about this, since the whole Torah is named after Moses. We can say that Moses comprises all the discernments, as it is written in several places that Moses is the quality of Netzah, and also the quality of Daat. However, we always consider his own degree and not what he contains. That is, even if he has all the qualities, still, whichever quality he uses, the Torah (says) about this that with respect to prophecy, he was the greatest.
Also, there is the quality of Moses, which is the quality of the “faithful shepherd,” meaning the quality of faith, which is Hassadim [mercies]. I heard from Baal HaSulam about the verse, “And Moses approached the mist and they did not approach,” meaning that Moses could even endure* the mist, as it is written, “And Moses approached the mist” and attained the name of God because he excelled in that quality.
This is why Moses is called “the faithful shepherd” and “illuminating mirror,” meaning that he always illuminated. It was said about this, “He is trusted in all My house.” This is the quality of Moses.
However, in Moses there were also the quality of Solomon and the quality of Joseph, as it is written, “And Moses took Joseph’s bones.” This is what it means that they were all said to Moses in Sinai. This is also what it means that Moses is tantamount to 600,000, meaning that he included all of them. But when we regard the merit of Moses, it is his unique degree called “the quality of Moses.”
Also, concerning what our sages said concerning fear in regard to Moses, “a small matter,” since the essence of Moses is a higher quality, but he certainly contained all the qualities. And concerning what is written in The Zohar, that the quality of Hochma [wisdom] was higher than Moses, it means that they walked in a quality that is higher than Moses’ because Moses had no personal interest in going there.
*There, and to attain His Godliness. But they will not approach, meaning where there was a mist, they had no access to Godliness.