661. Branch and Root
An instantaneous reward is that a person should value the fact that he is observing the Mitzvot [commandments] that the Creator commanded and the Torah [law] that the Creator gave. The whole reward is that he is obeying the Creator and is rewarded with speaking with the Creator. Another reward, such as receiving for himself, which is called “self-benefit,” is not regarded as work for the sake of the Creator.
The connection between spirituality and the corporeal body is called “branch and root.” It is impossible to attain this before one is rewarded with Torah Lishma [for Her sake]. Prior to this, everything is a lie since before we attain the roots, it is impossible to connect them with the branches.
Instead, we must believe that all that there is in this world extends from Him, He sustains everything, and without Him, there is no force that will sustain this corporeal world. He even sustains the Klipot [shells/peels], as it is written, “And His kingship rules over all,” “And You sustain them all,” even the Klipot.