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The Mitzva of Sukkah
625. The Mitzva of Sukkah
In the Yotzer [prayer] of the Monday morning prayer, the poet says there: “Let the Mitzva [commandment] of Sukkah not be light in your eyes, for it is equal to all the Mitzvot [commandments] of His laws.”
We should ask why a Sukkah is equal to all the Mitzvot. Baal HaSulam explained that Sukkah means faith, a “shadow of faith.” Naturally, we understand that faith is equal to all the Mitzvot. That is, to the extent of the faith, so he observes the Mitzvot.
Likewise, we can understand what is written there: “For no harm will come to all who observe it.” That is, one who has faith cannot be harmed by anything. “In the future, He will curse all who despise it,” since they have no faith. Therefore, they did not observe the Torah and Mitzvot for the sake of the Creator but rather Lo Lishma [not for Her sake], so from whom can they demand reward if they engaged not for the sake of the Creator?
As I interpreted concerning a minor Mitzva, in which there is no lack of money, it means that aiming for the sake of the Creator does not require special funds or a special time.