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The Face of the Lord Is in Evildoers
584. The Face of the Lord Is in Evildoers
After Shabbat, Noah, October 11, 1975
“The face of the Lord is in evildoers, to cut off the memory of them from the earth. They cried out, and the Lord hears, and saved them from all their troubles.”
We could ask, But the face of the Creator belongs to the righteous, and not to evildoers, as it is written, “By the light of Your face, you have given us … mercy, and life, and peace.” Only the Achoraim [posterior] is regarded as judgment, when He executes judgment on the wicked.
We should say that this means that those who want to walk on the path of the Creator, on the path of truth, see that they are always doing evil. They cry out to the Creator to save them from that state of evil, and everything that they could do but could not be freed from the evil, as explained about the exodus from Egypt, “And the children of Israel sighed from the work, and their cry went up to God,” and He delivered them from Egypt.
Likewise, we should interpret here that the Creator shone His face to them, and then the concealment that they had departed from them. By “The face of the Lord is in evildoers,” the face of the Creator cancels even the memory of the bad. This is the meaning of “cut off the memory of them from the earth.” Eretz [earth/land] comes from the word Ratzon [desire]. Even a memory of the bad desire did not awaken in them because “They cried out, and the Lord hears, and saved them from all their troubles.”