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The Power of Thought
554. The Power of Thought
When one begins to think a certain thought, he creates that thought. When we say that the Creator made him think the thought, then it is the Creator who creates the man, and the man creates the thought. It follows that the thinking man is an offspring with respect to the Creator, and the thought is an offspring with respect to man.
When the man thinks, he is called “Who.” He asks who he is. When he obtains an answer to his question, the answer is called “what.” The “what” is regarded as Hochma [wisdom], which is regarded as Koach-Ma [the power of what]. That is, the “what” dresses in him as a force, which is the power of the thought.
When a person begins to reflect on the wondrous powers within him, he must say that it is a Godly force that is clothed within him performing all those actions without his awareness. Also, the man has no control over himself, over the actions unfolding within him. However, he does have a power that can interfere through corrected actions that he must provide for his body, such as food, which is an element that interferes with the processes of the body.
Man is one part of the whole of creation and must be included in them and receive nourishment from them. By this, he unites with them. In other words, one must receive within him parts of wind, water, and sun, etc., since he is one link in the chain of creation.
We must always be in a state that is regarded as “good,” meaning that we are living in a world that is all good, and everything we feel is for the best.
When people harm him for no reason, but only because they are inherently wicked, and this is why they afflict him, he should not think that this is a coincidence. Rather, for all his anger at them, he must not take revenge on them, but he must say that everything comes from Providence.
By having to overcome his inclination and admit all the powers of the anger into Kedusha [holiness], it is a test that the Creator wants to test him if he can maintain his wholeness at such a time and love the Creator.
By overcoming, a person becomes powerful.
He must know that the partner is clothed within him.
He must not think or do something that is unbecoming of the partner.
He must think of the exaltedness of the Creator and yearn that there will be light.