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Faith Is Called “Action”
148. Faith Is Called “Action”
Faith is called “action” and not “intellect.” And faith, when the body disagrees, it must go by force, which is above rhyme and reason, but only an act.
This is similar to feeding a child and the parents make him see that it is to his benefit although the child does not find any flavor in this. Thus, as hard as the parents try to make him understand, the child does not want to listen. At that time, the parents go by force against the child’s will. That is, they deal with the child by way of action and do not wait for the child to say that he understands that it is worthwhile to eat this food.
It is likewise with faith: We should not wait for the body to agree that it is worthwhile to relinquish self-reception. Rather, we must deal with the body with action, meaning with force, although in the mind, the body disagrees with it.