The
Nation
Jerusalem,
Dalet
Sivan,
Tav-Shin
(June
5,
1940)
Our
Intention
This
paper,
The
Nation,
is
a
new
entity
on
the
Jewish
street.
It
is
an
“inter-partisan”
paper.
And
you
may
ask,
“What
does
an
‘inter-partisan’
paper
mean?
How
can
there
be
a
paper
that
can
serve
all
parties
together,
despite
all
the
opposition
and
contrasts
among
them?"
Indeed,
it
is
a
“being”
that
was
born
in
dire
straits,
through
hard
and
dreadful
labor
pains,
from
amidst
the
venom
of
hatred
that
had
struck
the
nations
of
the
world
to
obliterate
us
from
the
face
of
the
Earth,
the
destruction
of
millions
of
our
brothers,
and
they
are
prepared
to
do
more.
Their
sadistic
inclination
is
insatiable,
and
the
calamity
is
twofold,
for
we
cannot
delude
ourselves
that
all
this
is
but
a
passing,
transitory
phenomenon,
as
with
our
past
experiences
in
history,
that
if
a
nation
erupts
on
us,
we
find
a
substitute
in
another.
However,
now
things
are
very
different.
Not
only
are
we
simultaneously
attacked
from
all
directions,
but
even
the
most
developed
nations
have
locked
their
doors
before
us
without
any
sentiment
of
mercy
or
compassion,
and
in
such
a
ruthless
manner
that
is
unprecedented
in
the
whole
of
human
history,
even
in
the
most
barbaric
times.
It
is
clear,
save
for
relying
on
miracles,
that
our
existence
as
individuals
or
as
a
nation
is
hanging
between
life
and
death.
And
the
salvation
is
if
we
find
the
required
ploy,
that
great
scheme
whose
way
is
only
to
be
found
near
danger,
and
which
can
tilt
the
scale
to
our
favor—to
give
us
a
safe
haven
here
for
all
our
brothers
in
the
Diaspora,
as
everyone
says
it
is,
at
present,
the
only
place
of
salvation.
Then
the
road
of
life
will
be
open
to
us,
to
somehow
continue
our
existence
despite
the
difficulties.
And
if
we
miss
the
opportunity
and
do
not
rise
as
one,
with
the
great
efforts
required
at
a
time
of
danger,
to
guarantee
our
staying
in
the
land,
then
the
facts
before
us
pose
a
great
threat
to
us,
since
matters
are
developing
favorably
for
our
enemies,
who
seek
to
destroy
us
from
the
face
of
the
Earth.
It
is
also
clear
that
the
enormous
effort
that
the
rugged
road
ahead
requires
of
us
mandates
unity
that
is
as
solid
and
as
hard
as
steel,
from
all
parts
of
the
nation,
without
exception.
If
we
do
not
come
out
with
united
ranks
toward
the
mighty
forces
that
are
standing
on
our
way
to
harm
us,
we
will
find
that
our
hope
is
doomed
in
advance.
And
after
all
that,
each
person
and
party
sits
and
meticulously
guards
its
own
possessions
without
any
concessions.
And
under
no
circumstances
can
they,
or
more
correctly
want
to
reach
national
unity,
as
this
perilous
time
for
all
of
us
requires.
Thus,
we
are
immersed
in
indifference
as
though
nothing
had
happened.
Try
to
imagine
that
if
some
nation
“showed
us
the
door,”
as
is
so
common
these
days,
it
is
certain
that
then
none
of
us
would
think
about
our
factional
belonging,
for
the
trouble
would
mold
all
of
us
into
a
single
mush,
to
defend
ourselves
or
to
pack
up
and
flee
by
sea
or
by
land.
Had
we
felt
the
danger
as
real,
we
would
undoubtedly
be
properly
united,
too,
without
any
difficulty.
Under
these
circumstances,
we
have
met
here—a
small
group
of
us,
from
all
sects,
people
who
sense
the
dreadful
whip
on
their
backs
as
though
it
had
already
materialized.
They
had
taken
upon
themselves
to
publish
this
paper,
which
they
believe
will
be
a
faithful
channel
through
which
to
convey
their
sensations
to
the
whole
nation,
with
all
its
sects
and
factions,
none
excluded.
By
doing
so,
the
contrasts
and
the
narrow-minded
factionalism
would
be
canceled.
More
correctly,
they
would
be
silenced
and
make
way
to
what
precedes
them,
and
we
will
all
be
able
to
unite
into
a
single,
solid
body,
qualified
to
protect
itself
at
this
crucial
time.
And
although
this
danger
is
known
to
all,
as
it
is
known
to
us,
perhaps
it
has
not
yet
sufficiently
evolved
in
all
the
public,
as
it
truly
is.
If
they
had
felt
it,
they
would
have
long
ago
shaken
off
the
dust
of
factionalism
to
the
extent
that
it
obstructs
the
unity
of
our
ranks.
If
this
is
not
so,
it
is
only
because
this
sentiment
is
still
not
shared
by
many.
Hence,
we
have
taken
upon
ourselves
the
publication
of
this
paper,
to
stand
guard,
warn
of
the
trouble,
and
explain
it
to
the
public,
until
all
the
segregating
elements
are
silenced
and
we
are
able
to
meet
our
enemy
with
united
ranks,
and
give
it
its
duly
response
in
time.
Moreover,
we
are
confident
that
among
us
there
are
still
those
who
search
the
hearts,
who
can
provide
a
successful
scheme
that
will
unite
all
the
factions
in
the
nation.
From
experience,
we
have
learned
that
specifically
those
people
go
unnoticed
and
have
no
listeners.
In
this
paper,
we
are
willing
to
make
room
for
anyone
who
carries
a
guaranteed
solution
for
uniting
the
nation,
to
publicize
it
and
to
sound
it
in
the
public.
In
addition
to
all
the
above,
by
publishing
this
paper,
we
aim
to
defend
our
ancient
culture
of
two
thousand
years,
since
before
the
ruin
of
our
country.
We
aim
to
reveal
it
and
clean
it
from
the
piles
that
have
accumulated
over
it
during
the
years
of
our
exile
among
the
nations,
so
that
their
pure
Jewish
nature
will
be
recognized,
as
they
were
at
that
time.
This
will
bring
us
the
greatest
benefit,
for
we
will
be
able
to
find
a
way
to
connect
our
Diaspora
mode
of
thinking
with
that
glorious
time,
and
redeem
ourselves
from
borrowing
from
others.
The
Editors
The
Individual
and
the
Nation
We
humans
are
social
beings.
Because
we
cannot
satisfy
our
vital
needs
without
assistance
from
others,
partnership
with
many
is
necessary
for
our
existence.
This
is
not
the
place
to
explore
the
evolutions
of
the
nations,
and
we
can
suffice
for
studying
reality
as
it
appears
to
our
eyes.
It
is
a
fact
that
we
cannot
fulfill
our
needs
by
ourselves,
and
we
need
a
social
life.
Hence,
individuals
were
compelled
to
unite
into
a
union
called
“a
nation”
or
“a
state,”
in
which
each
engages
in
one’s
own
trade,
some
in
agriculture,
and
some
in
artisanship.
They
connect
through
trading
of
their
products.
Thus
the
nations
were
made,
each
with
its
unique
nature,
both
in
material
life
and
in
cultural
life.
Observing
life,
we
see
that
the
process
of
a
nation
is
just
as
the
process
of
an
individual.
The
functioning
of
each
person
within
the
nation
is
like
the
functioning
of
the
organs
in
a
single
body.
There
must
be
complete
harmony
among
the
organs
of
each
person—the
eyes
see
and
the
brain
is
assisted
by
them
to
think
and
to
consult,
and
then
the
hands
work
or
fight,
and
the
legs
walk.
Thus,
each
stands
on
its
guard
and
awaits
its
role.
Similarly,
the
organs
that
comprise
the
body
of
the
nation—counselors,
employers,
workers,
deliverers,
etc.—should
function
in
complete
harmony
among
them.
This
is
necessary
for
the
nation’s
normal
life
and
for
a
secured
existence.
As
the
natural
death
of
the
individual
results
from
disharmony
among
one’s
organs,
the
nation’s
natural
decline
results
from
some
obstruction
that
occurred
among
its
organs,
as
our
sages
testified,
“Jerusalem
was
ruined
only
because
of
unfounded
hatred
that
existed
in
that
generation.”
At
that
time,
the
nation
was
plagued
and
died,
and
its
organs
were
scattered
to
every
direction.
Therefore,
it
is
a
must
for
every
nation
to
be
strongly
united
within,
so
all
the
individuals
within
it
are
attached
to
one
another
by
instinctive
love.
Moreover,
each
individual
should
feel
that
the
happiness
of
the
nation
is
one’s
own
happiness,
and
the
nation’s
decadence
is
one’s
own
decadence.
One
should
be
willing
to
give
one’s
all
for
the
nation
whenever
needed.
Otherwise,
their
right
to
exist
as
a
nation
in
the
world
is
doomed
from
the
start.
This
does
not
mean
that
all
the
people
in
the
nation,
without
exception,
must
be
so.
It
means
that
the
people
of
that
nation,
who
sense
that
harmony,
are
the
ones
who
make
the
nation,
and
the
measure
of
happiness
of
the
nation
and
sustainability
are
measured
by
their
quality.
After
a
sufficient
sum
of
individuals
to
the
existence
of
the
nation
has
been
found,
there
can
be
a
certain
measure
of
loose
limbs,
which
are
not
connected
to
the
body
of
the
nation
in
the
above-mentioned
measure,
since
the
basis
is
already
secured
without
them.
Hence,
in
ancient
times,
we
did
not
find
unions
and
societies
without
kinship
among
their
members,
since
that
primitive
love,
which
is
necessary
for
the
existence
of
society,
is
found
only
in
families
that
are
offshoots
of
a
single
father.
However,
as
the
generations
evolved,
there
were
already
societies
connected
under
the
term
“state,”
that
is,
without
any
familial
or
racial
ties.
The
only
connection
of
the
individual
to
the
state
is
no
longer
a
natural,
primitive
connection,
but
stems
from
a
common
need
where
each
individual
bonds
with
the
collective
into
a
single
body,
which
is
the
state.
And
the
state
protects
the
body
and
possessions
of
every
individual
with
all
the
power
of
a
state.
Indeed,
that
transition,
where
the
generations
moved
from
the
natural
nation
to
the
artificial
state,
from
ties
that
stem
from
primitive
love
to
ties
that
stem
from
a
common
need,
does
not
take
anything
from
the
conditions
necessary
in
a
natural,
racial
state.
The
rule
is
that
as
every
healthy
individual
has
complete
control
over
one’s
organs,
which
is
based
solely
on
love,
because
the
organs
joyfully
obey
without
any
fear
of
punishment,
the
state
should
completely
dominate
all
the
individuals
within
it
with
respect
to
its
general
needs,
based
on
love
and
instinctive
devotion
of
the
individuals
to
the
collective.
This
is
the
most
convenient
force,
sufficient
to
move
the
individuals
toward
the
needs
of
the
collective.
However,
domination
based
on
coercion
and
punishment
is
too
weak
a
force
to
move
every
individual
sufficiently
to
guard
the
needs
of
the
public.
The
public,
too,
will
weaken
and
will
not
be
able
to
fulfill
its
commitment
to
guard
and
to
secure
each
individual’s
body
and
possessions.
And
we
are
not
concerned
with
the
form
of
governance
of
the
state,
whether
autocratic,
democratic,
or
cooperative.
They
do
not
change
at
all
the
essence
of
the
establishment
of
the
force
of
social
unity.
It
cannot
be
established,
much
less
persist,
if
not
through
ties
of
social
love.
It
is
a
shame
to
admit
that
one
of
the
most
precious
merits
we
have
lost
during
the
exile,
and
the
most
important
of
them,
is
the
loss
of
the
awareness
of
the
nationality,
meaning
that
natural
feeling
that
connects
and
sustains
each
and
every
nation.
The
threads
of
love
that
connect
the
nation,
which
are
so
natural
and
primitive
in
all
the
nations,
have
become
degenerated
and
detached
from
our
hearts,
and
they
are
gone.
And
worst
of
all,
even
the
little
we
have
left
of
the
national
love
is
not
instilled
in
us
positively,
as
it
is
in
all
the
nations.
Rather,
it
exists
within
us
on
a
negative
basis:
It
is
the
common
suffering
that
each
of
us
suffers
being
a
member
of
the
nation.
This
has
imprinted
within
us
a
national
awareness
and
proximity,
as
with
fellow-sufferers.
This
is
an
external
cause.
As
long
as
this
external
cause
joined
and
blended
with
our
natural
national
awareness,
an
odd
kind
of
national
love
emerged
and
sparked
off
this
jumble,
unnatural
and
incomprehensible.
And
most
important,
it
is
completely
unfit
for
its
task.
Its
measure
of
warmth
suffices
only
to
an
ephemeral
excitement,
but
without
the
power
and
strength
with
which
we
can
be
rebuilt
as
a
nation
that
carries
itself.
This
is
because
a
union
that
exists
due
to
an
outside
cause
is
not
at
all
a
national
union.
In
that
sense,
we
are
like
a
pile
of
nuts,
united
into
a
single
body
from
the
outside
by
a
sack
that
envelops
and
unites
them.
Their
measure
of
unity
does
not
make
them
a
united
body,
and
each
movement
applied
to
the
sack
produces
in
them
tumult
and
separation.
Thus,
they
consistently
arrive
at
new
unions
and
partial
aggregations.
The
fault
is
that
they
lack
the
inner
unity,
and
their
whole
force
of
unity
comes
through
outside
incidents.
To
us,
this
is
very
painful
to
the
heart.
Indeed,
the
spark
of
nationalism
was
kept
within
us
to
its
fullest
measure,
but
it
has
dimmed
and
has
become
inactive.
It
has
also
been
greatly
harmed
by
the
mixture
it
had
received
from
the
outside,
as
we
have
said.
However,
this
does
not
yet
enrich
us,
and
reality
is
very
bitter.
The
only
hope
is
to
thoroughly
establish
for
ourselves
a
new
national
education,
to
reveal
and
ignite
once
more
the
natural
national
love
that
has
been
dimmed
within
us,
to
revive
once
more
the
national
muscles,
which
have
been
inactive
in
us
for
two
millennia,
in
every
means
suitable
to
this
end.
Then
we
will
know
that
we
have
a
natural,
reliable
foundation
to
be
rebuilt
and
to
continue
our
existence
as
a
nation,
qualified
to
carry
itself
as
all
the
nations
of
the
world.
This
is
a
precondition
for
any
work
and
act.
In
the
beginning,
the
foundation
must
be
built
in
a
manner
sufficiently
healthy
to
carry
the
load
it
is
meant
to
carry.
Then
the
construction
of
the
building
begins.
But
it
is
a
shame
on
those
who
build
buildings
without
a
solid
enough
basis.
Not
only
are
they
not
building
anything,
they
are
putting
themselves
and
others
next
to
them
at
risk,
for
the
building
will
fall
with
the
slightest
movement
and
its
parts
will
scatter
to
all
directions.
Here
must
stress
concerning
the
above-mentioned
national
education:
Although
aim
to
plant
great
love
among
the
individuals
in
the
nation
in
particular
and
for
the
entire
nation
in
general,
in
the
fullest
possible
measure,
this
is
not
at
all
similar
to
chauvinism
or
fascism.
We
loathe
them,
and
my
conscience
is
completely
clear
from
them.
Despite
the
apparent
similarity
of
the
words
in
their
superficial
sounds,
since
chauvinism
is
nothing
but
excessive
national
love,
they
are
essentially
far
from
one
another
as
black
from
white.
To
easily
perceive
the
difference
between
them,
we
should
compare
them
to
the
measures
of
egoism
and
altruism
in
the
individual.
As
said
above,
the
process
of
the
nation
is
very
similar
to
the
process
of
the
individual
in
all
one’s
particular
details.
This
is
a
general
key
by
which
to
perceive
all
the
national
laws
without
deflecting
right
or
left
about
them,
even
as
a
hair’s
breadth.
Clearly,
the
measure
of
egoism
inherent
in
every
creature
is
a
necessary
condition
in
the
actual
existence
of
the
creature.
Without
it,
it
would
not
be
a
separate
and
distinct
being
in
itself.
Yet,
this
should
not
at
all
deny
the
measure
of
altruism
in
a
person.
The
only
thing
required
is
to
set
distinct
boundaries
between
them:
The
law
of
egoism
must
be
kept
in
all
its
might,
to
the
extent
that
it
concerns
the
minimum
existence.
And
with
any
surplus
of
that
measure,
permission
is
granted
to
waive
it
for
the
well-being
of
one’s
fellow
person.
Naturally,
anyone
who
acts
in
this
manner
is
to
be
considered
exceptionally
altruistic.
However,
one
who
relinquishes
one’s
minimal
share,
too,
for
the
benefit
of
others,
and
thus
risks
one’s
life,
this
is
completely
unnatural
and
cannot
be
kept,
but
only
once
in
life.
The
excessive
egoist,
who
has
no
regard
at
all
for
the
well-being
of
others,
is
loathsome
in
our
eyes,
as
this
is
the
substance
from
which
the
looters,
murderers,
and
all
who
are
corrupt.
It
is
similar
with
national
egoism
and
altruism:
The
national
love,
too,
must
be
imprinted
in
all
the
individuals
in
the
nation,
no
less
than
the
egoistic
individual
love
in
a
person
for
one’s
own
needs,
sufficient
to
sustain
the
existence
of
the
nation
as
such,
so
it
can
carry
itself.
And
the
surplus
to
that
minimal
measure
can
be
dedicated
to
the
well-being
of
humanism,
to
the
whole
of
humanity,
without
any
distinctions
of
nation
or
race.
Conversely,
we
are
utterly
hateful
of
the
excessive
national
egoism,
starting
from
nations
that
have
no
regard
for
the
well-being
of
others,
through
ones
that
rob
and
murder
other
nations
for
their
own
pleasure,
which
is
called
“chauvinism.”
Thus,
those
who
completely
retire
from
nationalism
and
become
cosmopolitan
for
humane,
altruistic
motives
are
making
a
fundamental
error,
since
nationalism
and
humanism
are
not
at
all
contradictory.
It
is
therefore
evident
that
the
national
love
is
the
basis
of
every
nation,
just
as
egoism
is
the
basis
of
all
individually
existing
beings.
Without
it,
it
would
not
be
able
to
exist
in
the
world.
Similarly,
the
national
love
in
the
individuals
of
a
nation
is
the
basis
of
the
independence
of
every
nation.
This
is
the
only
reason
for
which
it
continues
or
ceases
to
exist.
For
this
reason,
this
should
be
the
first
concern
in
the
revival
of
the
nation.
This
love
is
not
presently
within
us,
for
we
have
lost
it
during
our
wandering
among
the
nations
for
the
past
two
millennia.
Only
individuals
have
gathered
here,
without
any
ties
of
pure
national
love
among
them.
Rather,
one
is
connected
through
a
common
language,
another
through
a
common
homeland,
a
third
through
a
common
religion,
and
a
fourth
through
common
history.
They
all
want
to
live
here
according
to
the
measure
by
which
they
lived
in
the
nation
from
which
they
came.
They
do
not
take
into
account
that
there
it
was
a
nation
based
on
its
own
members
before
he
or
she
had
joined
it,
and
which
he
or
she
took
no
active
part
in
establishing
it.
However,
when
a
person
comes
to
Israel,
where
there
are
no
prearranged
orders
that
suffice
for
a
nation
to
function
on
its
own,
we
have
no
other
national
substance
on
which
structure
we
can
rely,
and
we
also
have
no
wish
for
it.
Rather,
here
we
must
rely
entirely
on
our
own
structure;
and
how
can
we
do
this
when
there
is
no
natural
national
connection
that
will
unite
us
for
this
task?
These
loose
ties—language,
religion,
and
history—are
important
values,
and
no
one
denies
their
national
merit.
However,
they
are
still
completely
insufficient
to
rely
on
as
a
basis
for
the
independent
sustenance
of
a
nation.
In
the
end,
all
we
have
here
is
a
gathering
of
strangers,
descendants
of
cultures
of
seventy
nations,
each
building
a
stage
for
oneself,
one’s
spirit,
and
one’s
leanings.
There
is
no
elemental
thing
here
that
unites
us
all
from
within
into
a
single
mass.
know
that
there
is
one
thing
that
is
common
to
all
of
us:
the
escape
from
the
bitter
exile.
However,
this
is
only
a
superficial
union,
like
the
sack
that
holds
the
nuts
together,
as
was
said
above.
This
is
why
said
that
we
must
establish
for
ourselves
special
education
through
widespread
circulation,
to
instill
in
each
of
us
a
sense
of
national
love,
both
from
one
person
to
another,
and
from
the
individuals
to
the
whole,
to
rediscover
the
national
love
that
was
instilled
within
us
since
the
time
we
were
on
our
land
as
a
nation
among
the
nations.
This
work
precedes
all
others
because
besides
being
the
basis,
it
gives
the
stature
and
successes
to
all
the
other
actions
that
we
wish
to
take
in
this
field.
A.G.
The
Name
of
the
Nation,
the
Language,
and
the
Land
We
should
examine
the
name
of
our
nation.
We
have
grown
accustomed
to
calling
ourselves
“Hebrews,”
while
our
usual
names,
“Jew”
or
“Israel,”
have
all
but
become
obsolete.
It
is
so
much
so
that
to
distinguish
the
jargon
from
the
language
of
the
nation
we
call
the
language
of
the
nation
“Hebrew,”
and
the
jargon,
“Yiddish.”
In
the
Bible
we
find
the
name,
Hebrew,
pronounced
only
by
the
nations
of
the
world,
and
especially
by
the
Egyptians,
such
as,
“See,
he
has
brought
in
a
Hebrew
unto
us
to
mock
us”
(Genesis
39:14),
or
“And
there
was
with
us
there
a
young
man,
a
Hebrew”
(Genesis
41:13),
or
“This
is
one
of
the
Hebrews’
children”
(Exodus
2:6).
The
Philistines
also
use
this
name:
“Lest
the
Hebrews
make
a
sword”
(1
Samuel
13:19).
We
also
find
it
in
the
relation
between
the
nations
and
us,
such
as
in
the
war
of
Saul
with
the
Philistines,
when
he
declared,
“Let
the
Hebrews
hear,”
and
“the
Hebrews
crossed
the
Jordan”
(1
Samuel
13:7).
Besides,
we
persistently
find
the
name,
“Hebrew,”
in
proximity
to
slaves,
such
as
a
Hebrew
slave
or
a
Hebrew
maidservant,
etc.
However,
in
truth,
we
will
never
meet
in
the
Bible
the
name,
“Hebrew,”
but
only
one
of
the
two
names,
“Israel”
or
“Jew.”
The
origin
of
the
name,
“Hebrew,”
is
that
there
was
probably
a
famous
ancient
nation
that
went
by
that
name,
since
the
verse
(Genesis
10:21)
presents
before
us
the
name
of
Noah’s
son
as
the
father
of
that
nation:
“And
unto
Shem,
the
father
of
all
the
children
of
Ever.”
Abraham
the
patriarch
was
from
that
nation,
which
is
why
the
nations
called
him
“Abraham
the
Hebrew,”
such
as
“and
told
Abram
the
Hebrew”
(Genesis
14:13).
For
this
reason,
before
Israel
became
a
nation
among
the
nations,
they
were
called
“Hebrews,”
after
the
nation
of
Abraham
the
patriarch,
the
Hebrew.
Although
the
children
of
Israel
were
distinguished
in
Egypt
as
a
separate
nation,
such
as
“Behold,
the
people
of
the
children
of
Israel
are
too
many
and
too
mighty
for
us;
come,
let
us
deal
wisely
with
them,
lest
they
multiply”
(Exodus
1:10).
However,
that
name
is
as
a
name
of
a
tribe,
and
not
of
a
nation,
for
they
became
a
nation
only
after
they
had
arrived
at
the
land
of
Israel.
From
this
we
should
conclude
that
this
is
why
the
nations
did
not
wish
to
call
us
“the
Israeli
nation”
even
after
we
had
arrived
at
the
land,
so
as
not
to
admit
our
existence
as
a
nation.
They
emphasized
it
by
calling
us
“Hebrews,”
as
they
had
called
us
prior
to
arriving
at
the
land.
It
is
not
by
chance
that
the
name,
“Hebrews,”
is
absent
in
the
Bible
and
in
subsequent
literature,
except
in
relation
to
servants
and
maidservants,
to
whom
the
name,
“Hebrew,”
persistently
clings:
“Hebrew
slave,”
“Hebrew
maidservant.”
But
we
will
never
encounter
an
“Israeli
slave”
or
a
“Jewish
slave.”
This
juxtaposition
is
probably
a
relic
of
the
slavery
in
Egypt,
which
we
are
commanded
to
remember
(Deuteronomy
5:15),
“And
you
will
remember
that
you
were
a
slave
in
the
land
of
Egypt.”
Even
today
the
majority
of
nations
refer
to
us
as
“Jews”
or
“Israelis,”
and
only
the
Russian
nation
still
relates
to
us
as
“Hebrews.”
Supposedly,
the
haters
of
Israel
among
them
have
installed
this
label
among
them
with
the
ill-will
of
denying
its
nationalism
from
it,
just
as
the
ancient
peoples.
It
seems
that
they
had
delved
into
the
meaning
of
this
name
far
more
than
we,
who
have
taken
it
absentmindedly
due
to
being
used
in
the
Russian
language,
without
much
examination.
It
follows
from
all
the
above
that
if
we
wish
to
respect
ourselves
we
should
stop
using
the
term,
“Hebrew,”
in
relation
to
any
free
person
among
us.
Indeed,
regarding
the
name
of
the
language,
if
we
had
a
historic
source,
a
language
that
the
ancient
Hebrew
nation
spoke,
then
perhaps
we
could
call
it
“Hebrew.”
And
yet,
have
not
found
a
single
historic
evidence
that
this
ancient
nation
spoke
this
language.
For
this
reason,
we
should
consider
the
Talmudic
literature,
which
is
closer
to
the
source
than
we
are
by
fifteen
centuries.
Among
them,
it
was
unequivocally
accepted
that
the
ancient
Hebrews
did
not
use
this
language
at
all.
They
said,
“In
the
beginning
the
Torah
was
given
to
Israel
in
Hebrew
letters
and
the
holy
language.
It
was
given
to
them
once
more
in
the
days
of
Ezra,
in
Assyrian
letters
and
the
Aramaic
language.
Israel
had
sorted
out
for
themselves
the
Assyrian
letters
and
the
holy
language,
and
left
the
uneducated
with
the
Hebrew
letters
and
Aramaic
language”
(Sanhedrin,
21b).
Thus,
we
learn
from
their
words
that
only
the
letters
have
come
to
us
from
the
Hebrews,
but
not
the
language,
because
they
said,
“Assyrian
letters
and
the
holy
language”
and
not
“Hebrew
letters
and
language.”
We
do
find
(Megillah,
p
8),
“Conversely,
a
Bible
that
is
written
in
translation,
and
a
translation
that
is
written
as
the
Bible,
and
Hebrew
letters
do
not
defile
the
hands.”
Thus,
they
emphasized,
“a
translation
that
is
written
as
the
Bible,
and
in
Hebrew
letters.”
They
are
not
saying,
“a
translation
that
is
written
as
Hebrew,
and
in
Hebrew
letters,”
like
the
Mishnah
(Yadaim,
4:5).
This
“conversely”
is
taken
from
there
in
order
to
teach
us
that
only
the
letters
are
attributed
to
the
Hebrews,
and
not
the
language.
Also,
there
is
no
evidence
from
the
words
of
the
Mishnah
because
it
seems
that
here
there
was
Roman
influence
on
the
text.
But
when
they
were
memorizing
the
Mishnah,
they
made
the
proper
precisions.
Conversely,
we
find
that
several
times
the
Tannaim
referred
to
the
language
as
“the
holy
language.”
One
was
(Sifrey
Beracha
[Books
of
Blessing],
13),
“All
who
dwell
in
the
land
of
Israel,
read
the
Shema
reading
morning
and
evening,
and
speak
the
holy
language,
merit
the
next
world.”
Also,
(Shekalim,
end
of
Chapter
3),
“We
learn
from
Rabbi
Meir
that
all
who
are
permanently
in
the
land
of
Israel
and
speak
the
holy
language...”
etc.
Even
if
we
assume
that
we
can
find
some
historic
source
that
the
ancient
Hebrews
spoke
this
language,
it
does
not
obligate
us
to
name
this
language
after
them,
since
there
is
no
trace
of
this
nation
among
the
living.
As
we
have
said,
this
name
does
not
add
to
our
national
dignity,
and
only
our
enemies
have
attached
it
to
us
on
purpose,
to
discard
and
slight
the
image
of
the
nation’s
assets.
Hence,
we
should
also
avoid
following
the
English
language,
which
calls
the
nation
“Jews,”
and
the
language
“Hebrew.”
We
should
also
determine
which
name
suits
us
best:
“Jews”
or
“Israelis.”
The
name,
“Israel,”
stems
from
our
father,
Jacob,
who,
as
is
written,
is
named
as
an
expression
of
power
and
honor:
“Your
name
will
no
longer
be
called
Jacob,
but
Israel;
for
you
have
striven
with
God
and
with
men
and
you
have
prevailed”
(Genesis
32:29).
It
is
after
him
that
we
are
called
“Israel.”
However,
after
King
Solomon,
the
nation
split
in
two:
the
ten
tribes,
which
ordained
Jeroboam
son
of
Navat,
and
the
two
tribes,
Judah
and
Benjamin,
which
remained
under
the
kingship
of
Rehav’am,
son
of
Solomon.
The
name,
“Israel,”
remained
with
the
ten
tribes,
and
the
two
tribes,
Judah
and
Benjamin,
took
for
themselves
the
name,
“Jews,”
as
we
have
found
in
the
story
of
Ester:
“There
was
a
certain
Jew
in
Shushan
the
castle,
whose
name
was
Mordecai
the
son
of
Jair
the
son
of
Shimei
the
son
of
Kish,
a
Benjamite.”
Thus,
the
tribe
of
Benjamin
also
called
themselves
“Jews.”
The
ten
tribes
were
exiled
from
the
land
long
before
the
exile
of
Judah,
and
since
then
there
has
been
no
trace
of
them.
The
exile
of
Judah,
who
were
exiled
to
Babylon,
returned
to
the
land
after
seventy
years
of
exile
and
rebuilt
the
land.
This
is
why
throughout
the
period
of
the
Second
Temple,
the
name
“Jews”
is
mentioned
most
often,
and
the
name
“Israel,”
is
mentioned
only
rarely,
under
extraordinary
circumstances.
We,
the
offspring
of
the
exile
of
the
Second
Temple,
are
also
called
primarily
by
the
name,
“Jews,”
since
we
are
from
the
exile
of
the
Second
Temple,
the
offspring
of
the
two
tribes,
Judah
and
Benjamin,
who
have
given
themselves
the
name,
“Jews.”
Accordingly,
we
should
determine
that
the
name
of
our
nation
is
“Jews”
and
not
“the
Israeli
nation”
or
“Israel,”
which
is
the
name
of
the
ten
tribes.
And
concerning
the
language,
we
should
certainly
choose
the
“Jewish
language,”
and
not
the
“Israeli
language,”
for
we
do
not
find
in
the
Bible
this
construct
state
of
“Israeli
language,”
as
opposed
to
the
mentioning
of
“Jewish”:
“they
did
not
know
how
to
speak
Jewish”
(Nehemiah
13:24),
and
also,
“And
God
said
...
‘speak
now
to
your
servants
in
Aramaic,
for
we
understand
it;
and
do
not
speak
with
us
in
Jewish
in
the
ears
of
the
people
who
are
on
the
wall’”
(2
Kings
18).
Rather,
we
should
stress
that
this
is
why
they
called
their
language,
“Jewish,”
since
the
people
of
King
Hezekiah
were
called
“Jews,”
as
well
as
those
who
came
from
the
exile
in
Babylon.
But
the
ten
tribes,
which
were
called
“Israelis,”
also
called
their
language
“Israeli
language.”
And
yet,
even
if
we
assume
that
it
is
so,
it
is
still
no
reason
for
us,
the
offspring
of
Judah
and
Benjamin,
to
call
our
language
“Israeli.”
To
summarize
what
we
have
said,
both
the
nation
and
the
language
must
be
given
only
the
name
Judah.
The
nation
should
be
named
“Jews,”
and
the
language,
“Jewish.”
This
jargon
language
should
be
called
“Yiddish.”
Only
the
land
may
be
called
“the
land
of
Israel,”
as
it
is
the
inheritance
of
all
the
tribes.
Critique
of
Marxism
in
Light
of
the
New
Reality,
and
a
Solution
to
the
Question
Regarding
the
Unification
of
All
the
Factions
of
the
Nation
have
been
asked
to
offer
a
solution,
according
to
my
view,
regarding
the
painful
problem
of
uniting
all
the
parties
and
factions
around
a
uniform
background.
At
the
outset,
must
admit
that
have
no
solution
to
this
question
in
the
way
it
was
presented.
Nor
will
there
ever
be
a
solution
to
it,
as
wise
men
from
all
the
nations
and
throughout
the
ages
have
probed
it
but
have
not
found
a
natural
solution
that
is
accepted
by
all
the
factions
among
them.
Many
have
suffered,
and
many
will
suffer
still
before
they
find
the
golden
path
that
does
not
contradict
the
views
among
them.
The
difficulty
of
the
matter
is
that
men
cannot
relinquish
their
ideals
at
all,
since
one
can
make
concessions
when
it
comes
to
one’s
material
life,
to
the
extent
that
it
is
necessary
for
one’s
physical
existence,
but
it
is
not
so
with
ideals.
By
nature,
idealists
will
give
all
that
they
have
for
the
triumph
of
their
idea.
And
if
they
must
relinquish
their
ideals
even
a
little,
it
is
not
an
honest
concession.
Rather,
they
stay
alert
and
wait
for
a
time
when
they
can
reclaim
what
is
theirs.
Therefore,
such
compromises
cannot
be
trusted.
It
is
even
more
so
with
an
ancient
nation,
with
a
civilization
that
is
thousands
of
years
old.
Its
ideals
have
already
developed
in
it
far
more
than
in
nations
that
have
developed
more
recently,
so
there
is
no
hope
whatsoever
that
they
will
be
able
to
compromise
on
this,
not
even
a
little.
It
is
unwise
to
think
that
in
the
end,
the
more
just
idea
will
win
over
the
other
ideas,
since
over
time
they
are
all
right,
for
“there
is
not
a
man
without
his
place,
nor
a
matter
without
an
hour,”
as
our
sages
have
stated.
For
this
reason,
ideals
keep
reappearing.
Ideals
that
were
ruled
out
in
ancient
times
reappeared
in
the
Middle
Ages,
and
once
they
were
ruled
out
in
the
Middle
Ages,
they
have
been
revived
in
our
generation.
This
indicates
that
they
are
all
correct,
and
none
of
them
is
everlasting.
But
although
the
nations
of
the
world
suffer
terribly
from
this
racket,
they
still
have
a
strong
backbone
that
allows
them
to
tolerate
this
terrible
burden.
Somehow
it
does
not
immediately
threaten
their
existence.
But
what
can
a
poor
nation
do
when
its
entire
existence
depends
on
the
crumbs
and
leftover
food
that
the
nations
throw
to
them
by
their
mercy
once
they
are
fully
satiated?
Their
back
is
too
frail
to
carry
the
burden
of
this
racket,
especially
in
this
fateful
time
when
we
are
standing
on
the
very
edge
of
the
abyss—it
is
not
a
time
for
vanity,
disputes,
and
internal
war
among
brothers.
In
light
of
the
gravity
of
the
hour,
have
a
genuine
solution
to
suggest,
which
believe
merits
acceptance,
and
which
will
unite
all
the
factions
among
us
into
a
single
unit.
However,
before
begin
to
present
my
suggestion,
would
like
to
put
the
minds
of
the
readers
at
rest
concerning
my
political
views.
must
admit
that
see
the
socialistic
idea
of
equal
and
just
division
as
the
truest.
Our
planet
is
rich
enough
to
provide
for
all
of
us,
so
why
should
we
fight
this
tragic
war
to
the
death,
which
has
been
dimming
our
lives
for
generations?
Let
us
share
among
us
the
labor
and
its
produce
equally,
and
the
end
to
all
the
troubles!
After
all,
what
pleasure
do
even
the
millionaires
among
us
derive
from
their
possessions
if
not
the
security
of
their
sustenance
for
them
and
for
their
progeny
several
generations
on?
But
in
a
regime
of
just
division
they
will
also
have
the
same
certainty
and
even
more.
And
should
you
say
that
they
will
not
have
the
respect
that
they
had
while
they
were
property
owners,
that,
too,
is
nothing,
for
all
those
strong
ones
who
have
gained
the
power
to
earn
respect
as
property
owners
will
certainly
find
the
same
amount
of
honor
elsewhere,
for
the
gates
of
competition
will
never
be
locked.
Indeed,
as
truthful
as
this
ideal
might
be,
do
not
promise
its
adherents
even
a
shred
of
paradise.
Quite
the
contrary,
they
are
guaranteed
to
have
troubles
as
in
hell,
as
the
living
proof
of
Russia
has
already
taught
us.
However,
this
does
not
negate
the
correctness
of
this
ideal.
Its
only
fault
is
that
to
us
it
is
unripe.
In
other
words,
our
generation
is
not
yet
morally
ready
to
accept
this
government
of
just
and
equal
division.
This
is
so
because
we
have
not
had
enough
time
to
evolve
sufficiently
to
accept
the
motto,
“from
each
according
to
his
skills,
to
each
according
to
his
needs.”
This
is
like
the
sin
of
Adam
HaRishon
[the
First
Man].
Our
ancient
sages
have
explained
that
the
sin
was
because
he
“ate
fruit
unripe,”
before
it
had
ripened
sufficiently.
For
that
tiny
misdeed
the
entire
world
was
sentenced
to
death.
This
teaches
us
that
this
is
the
ancestor
of
every
detriment
in
the
world.
People
do
not
know
how
to
mind
and
watch
everything
to
see
if
it
has
ripened
sufficiently.
Although
the
content
of
a
matter
may
be
advantageous,
we
must
still
delve
more
deeply
to
see
if
it
is
ripe,
and
if
the
receivers
have
grown
sufficiently
to
digest
it
in
their
intestines.
While
they
are
still
developing,
the
truthful
and
salutary
will
be
turned
to
harmful
and
deceitful
in
their
intestines.
Thus,
they
are
doomed
to
perish,
for
he
who
eats
unripe
fruit
dies
for
his
sin.
In
light
of
this,
the
Russian
entanglement
has
not
proven
that
the
socialist
ideal
is
essentially
unjust,
as
they
still
need
time
to
accept
this
truth
and
justice.
They
are
still
unqualified
to
behave
accordingly;
they
are
only
harmed
by
their
own
insufficient
development
and
lack
of
aptitude
for
this
ideal.
It
is
worthwhile
to
lend
the
ear
to
the
words
of
M.
Botkovsky
(Davar,
issue
no.
4507).
He
asks,
“Why
would
a
politician,
a
member
of
the
socialist
movement,
not
do
as
that
physicist,
who—when
faced
with
impairments
in
the
interpretation
he
was
accustomed
to
in
the
iron
laws
of
his
theory—did
not
deter
from
abandoning
it?
First,
he
gently
tried
to
mend
it,
and
finally,
when
he
could
no
longer
face
reality,
he
was
prepared
to
cast
it
off.”
He
explains:
“In
a
time
of
ruin
of
the
international
Labor
Movement,
we
must
wash
away
prejudice.
When
facts
speak
the
language
of
defeat,
we
must
sit
at
the
desk
once
more
and
vigorously
examine
the
way
and
its
principles.
We
must
responsibly
recognize
the
burden
on
the
shoulders
of
those
who
carry
on.
“This
is
the
way
of
scientific
thought
when
cornered
by
contradictions
between
the
new
reality
and
the
theory
that
explained
the
old
reality.
Only
an
ideological
breakthrough
enables
a
new
science,
and
a
new
life.”
He
concludes:
“If
we
do
not
renounce
our
conscience,
we
will
declare
that
the
time
has
come
for
a
fundamental
debate,
a
time
of
labor
pains.
Now
is
the
time
for
the
leaders
of
the
movement
to
stand
up
and
answer
the
question:
‘What
does
socialism
mean
today?
What
is
the
way
by
which
the
corps
must
go?’”
doubt
if
anyone
in
the
movement
will
answer
his
words,
or
perhaps
be
able
to
understand
his
words
as
they
truly
are.
It
is
not
easy
for
a
hundred-year-old
man
who
has
been
so
successful
in
his
studies
thus
far
to
get
up
and
all
at
once
strike
a
line
through
his
past
theory,
sit
at
the
desk,
and
resume
his
studies
like
that
physicist,
as
comrade
Botkovsky
requires
of
the
leaders
of
the
socialist
movement.
Yet,
how
do
you
ignore
his
words?
While
it
is
still
possible
to
sit
idly
regarding
the
ruin
of
the
international
Labor
Movement,
since
they
are
not
facing
immediate
destruction,
they
are
still
secured
a
measure
of
life
of
submissive
servants
and
slaves;
it
is
not
so
concerning
the
danger
that
the
Hebrew
Labor
Movement
faces.
They
are
truly
facing
annihilation
under
the
slogan
of
the
enemy
“to
destroy,
to
slay,
and
to
cause
to
perish…little
children
and
women,”
as
during
the
time
of
Queen
Ester.
We
must
not
compare
our
state
of
ruin
with
the
ruin
of
the
movement
among
the
nations
of
the
world.
If
we
were
only
sold
to
slavery
and
servitude,
we
would
keep
still,
as
they
do.
Yet
we
are
denied
even
the
security
of
the
life
of
slaves.
Thus,
we
must
not
let
the
moment
pass.
We
must
attend
school
once
more,
reexamine
the
socialist
ideal
in
light
of
the
facts
and
contradictions
that
have
surfaced
in
our
days,
and
not
fear
of
breaking
ideological
fences,
for
nothing
stands
in
the
way
of
saving
lives.
For
this
purpose,
we
will
briefly
review
the
evolution
of
socialism
from
its
earliest
stages.
In
general,
there
are
three
eras:
The
first
was
humanistic
socialism
based
on
the
development
of
morality.
It
was
aimed
solely
at
the
exploiters.
The
second
was
based
on
the
recognition
of
the
just
and
evil.
It
was
aimed
primarily
at
the
exploited,
to
bring
them
to
realize
that
the
workers
are
the
true
owners
of
the
work,
and
that
the
produce
of
society
belongs
to
them.
Since
the
workers
are
the
majority
in
society,
they
were
certain
that
once
they
realized
that
they
are
the
just,
they
would
rise
as
one,
take
what
is
theirs,
and
establish
a
government
of
just
and
equal
division
in
society.
The
third
is
Marxism,
which
succeeded
more
than
all
of
them,
and
which
is
based
on
Historic
Materialism.
The
great
contradiction
between
the
creative-forces,
which
are
the
workers,
and
the
ones
who
exploit
them,
the
employers,
necessitates
that
society
will
ultimately
come
to
peril
and
destruction.
Then
the
revolution
will
come
in
production
and
distribution.
The
capitalistic
government
would
be
forced
into
ruin
in
favor
of
the
government
of
the
proletariat.
In
his
view,
this
government
was
to
emerge
by
itself,
by
way
of
cause
and
consequence.
But
in
order
to
bring
the
end
sooner
still,
counsels
must
be
sought,
and
obstacles
must
be
placed
before
the
bourgeois
government,
to
bring
the
revolution
sooner.
Before
come
to
criticize
his
method,
must
admit
his
method
is
the
most
just
of
all
its
predecessors.
After
all,
we
are
witnessing
the
great
success
it
had
in
quantity
and
quality
throughout
the
world
before
it
came
to
practical
experimentation
among
the
many
millions
in
Russia.
Until
then,
almost
all
the
leaders
of
humanity
were
drawn
to
it,
and
this
is
a
true
testimony
to
the
justness
of
his
method.
Besides,
even
theoretically,
his
words
have
merit,
and
no
one
has
been
able
to
contradict
his
historic
stance
that
humanity
is
headed
slowly
and
gradually
upward,
as
if
on
a
ladder.
Each
step
is
but
the
negation
of
its
former,
hence
each
movement
and
phase
that
humanity
has
taken
in
the
political
government
is
but
a
repudiation
of
its
preceding
state.
The
duration
of
every
political
phase
is
just
the
time
it
takes
to
unveil
its
shortcomings
and
evil.
While
discovering
its
faults,
it
makes
way
for
a
new
phase,
liberated
from
these
failings.
Thus,
these
impairments
that
appear
in
a
situation
and
destroy
it
are
the
very
forces
of
human
evolution,
as
they
raise
humanity
to
a
more
corrected
state.
In
addition,
the
faults
in
the
next
phase
bring
humanity
to
a
third
and
better
state.
Thus,
persisting
successively,
these
negative
forces
that
appear
in
the
situations
are
the
reasons
for
the
progress
of
humanity.
Through
them,
it
climbs
up
the
rungs
of
the
ladder.
They
are
reliable
in
performing
their
duty,
which
is
to
bring
humankind
to
the
last,
most
desirable
state
of
evolution,
purified
of
any
ignominy
and
blemish.
In
this
historic
process,
he
shows
us
how
the
feudal
government
manifested
its
shortcomings
and
was
ruined,
making
way
for
the
bourgeois
government.
Now
it
is
time
for
the
bourgeois
government
to
show
its
faults
and
be
ruined,
making
way
for
the
better
still
governance,
which
according
to
him,
is
the
government
of
the
proletariat.
However,
in
this
last
point,
where
he
promises
us
that
after
the
ruin
of
the
current
bourgeois
government,
a
proletariat
government
will
immediately
be
instated,
here
is
the
flaw
in
his
method:
The
new
reality
before
us
denies
it.
He
thought
that
the
proletariat
governance
would
be
the
subsequent
step
to
the
bourgeois
governance,
and
hence
determined
that
by
negating
the
bourgeois
government,
a
proletariat
one
would
be
established
instantly.
Yet,
reality
proves
that
the
step
following
the
ruin
of
the
present
government
is
that
of
Nazis
or
Fascists.
Evidently,
we
are
still
in
the
middle
stages
of
human
development.
Humanity
has
not
yet
reached
the
highest
level
of
the
ladder
of
evolution.
Who
can
assume
how
many
rivers
of
blood
are
yet
to
be
shed
before
humankind
reaches
the
desired
level?
In
order
to
find
a
way
out
of
this
complication,
we
must
thoroughly
perceive
the
above-mentioned
gradual
law
of
evolution
upon
which
he
based
his
entire
method.
We
should
know
that
this
law
is
inclusive
for
the
entire
creation;
all
of
nature’s
systems
are
based
on
it,
organic
and
inorganic
alike,
up
to
the
human
species
with
all
its
idealistic
properties,
as
well
as
the
materials.
In
all
the
above,
there
is
none
that
does
not
obey
the
iron
law
of
gradual
evolution
resulting
from
the
collision
of
these
two
forces
with
one
another:
1)
a
positive
force,
meaning
constructive,
and
2)
a
negative
force,
meaning
negative
and
destructive.
They
create
and
complement
the
entire
reality,
in
general
and
particular,
through
their
harsh
and
perpetual
war
with
one
another.
As
we
have
said
above,
the
negative
force
appears
at
the
end
of
every
political
phase,
elevating
it
to
a
better
state.
Thus,
the
phases
follow
one
another
until
they
reach
their
ultimate
perfection.
Let
us
take
planet
Earth
as
an
example:
First,
it
was
but
a
ball
of
fog-like
gas.
Through
the
gravity
inside
it,
over
time,
it
concentrated
the
atoms
in
it
into
a
closer
circle.
As
a
result,
the
ball
of
gas
became
a
liquid
ball
of
fire.
Over
eons
of
terrible
wars
between
the
two
forces
in
Earth,
the
positive
and
the
negative,
the
chilling
force
in
it
was
finally
triumphant
over
the
force
of
liquid
fire.
It
cooled
a
thin
crust
around
the
Earth
and
hardened
there.
However,
the
planet
had
not
yet
grown
still
from
the
war
between
the
forces,
and
after
some
time
the
liquid
force
of
fire
overpowered
and
erupted
in
great
tumult
from
the
bowels
of
the
Earth,
rising
and
shattering
the
cold,
hard
crust
to
pieces,
turning
the
planet
back
into
a
liquid
ball
of
fire.
Then
an
era
of
new
wars
began
until
the
cool
force
overpowered
the
force
of
fire
once
more,
and
a
second
crust
was
chilled
around
the
ball,
harder,
thicker,
and
more
durable
against
the
outbreak
of
the
fluids
from
amidst
the
ball.
This
time
it
lasted
longer,
but
at
last,
the
liquid
forces
overpowered
once
again
and
erupted
from
the
bowels
of
the
Earth,
breaking
the
crust
in
pieces.
Once
more,
everything
was
ruined
and
became
a
liquid
ball.
Thus,
the
eons
interchanged,
and
each
time
the
cooling
force
prevailed,
the
crust
it
made
grew
thicker.
Finally,
the
positive
forces
overpowered
the
negative
ones
and
came
into
complete
harmony:
The
liquids
took
their
place
in
the
bowels
of
the
Earth,
and
the
cold
crust
became
thick
enough
around
them
to
enable
the
creation
of
organic
life
atop
it,
as
it
is
today.
All
organic
bodies
develop
by
the
same
order.
From
the
moment
they
are
planted
to
the
end
of
their
ripening,
they
undergo
several
hundred
periods
of
situations
due
to
the
two
forces,
the
positive
and
the
negative,
and
their
war
against
each
other,
as
described
regarding
the
Earth.
These
wars
yield
the
ripening
of
the
fruit.
Also,
every
living
thing
begins
with
a
tiny
drop
of
fluid.
Through
gradual
development
over
several
hundred
phases
through
the
above-mentioned
struggle
of
forces,
it
finally
becomes
“A
big
ox,
fit
for
every
work,”
or
“A
great
man,
fit
for
all
his
roles.”
However,
there
should
be
yet
another
distinction
between
the
ox
and
the
human:
Today,
the
ox
has
already
reached
its
final
phase
of
development.
For
us,
however,
the
material
force
is
yet
insufficient
to
bring
us
to
completion
due
to
the
contemplative
power
in
us,
which
is
thousands
of
times
more
valuable
than
the
material
force
in
us.
Thus,
for
humans
there
is
a
new
order
of
gradual
development,
unlike
any
other
animal:
the
gradual
development
of
human
thought.
Also,
being
a
social
creature,
the
individual
development
is
not
enough.
Rather,
one’s
final
perfection
depends
on
the
development
of
all
the
members
of
society.
With
respect
to
the
development
of
one’s
intellectual
capability,
namely
the
ability
to
discern
what
is
good
and
what
is
bad
for
him—though
we
must
not
think
that
man
is
still
at
the
stage
of
a
primitive
man—it
is
clear
that
we
have
not
reached
perfection.
Rather,
we
are
still
in
the
midst
of
our
development,
still
given
to
the
war
between
the
positive
and
negative
forces,
as
was
said
above
regarding
Earth—which
are
faithful
messengers
to
their
role
of
bringing
humanity
to
its
final
completion.
As
have
said,
since
the
socialistic
ideal
is
the
most
just
of
all
the
methods,
it
requires
a
highly
developed
generation
that
can
process
it
and
behave
accordingly.
Since
today’s
humanity
is
in
the
middle
rungs
of
the
ladder
of
development,
still
in
the
midst
of
the
conflict
between
the
positive
and
negative
forces,
it
is
as
yet
unfit
for
this
sublime
idea.
Rather,
it
is
premature
in
it,
like
an
unripe
fruit.
Hence,
not
only
is
it
foul
tasting,
but
the
negative
force
in
it
is
also
harmful,
sometimes
deadly
venom.
This
is
the
trouble
of
that
nation,
for
which
it
suffers
so,
as
they
are
premature
and
lack
the
elementary
qualities
suitable
for
assumption
of
this
just
governance.
The
reader
must
not
suspect
that
have
any
spiritual
concept
on
this
matter,
for
Marx
himself
says
the
same
thing:
He
admits
that
“on
the
first
level
of
society,
deficiencies
are
unavoidable.”
However,
he
promises
that
“on
the
highest
level
of
the
cooperative
society,
once
the
crass
hierarchy
of
people
in
the
division
of
the
work
has
disappeared,
along
with
the
contradiction
between
physical
work
and
spiritual
work,
when
work
itself
becomes
a
necessity
and
not
a
means
of
provision,
when
along
with
the
multifaceted
development
of
the
personality,
production
forces
will
grow
and
all
of
society’s
fountains
will
flow
abundantly,
then
the
narrow
bourgeois
perspective
will
vanish
and
society
will
write
upon
its
banner:
‘From
each
according
to
his
ability,
to
each
according
to
his
needs.’”
(Due
to
the
pertinence
of
the
words
to
our
discussion,
have
copied
his
excerpt
in
full.)
Thus,
he,
too,
admits
that
it
is
hopeless
to
wait
for
completely
just
governance
before
humanity
achieves
the
highest
level,
before
work
itself
becomes
a
vital
need,
meaning
life’s
principle,
and
not
for
the
purpose
of
provision.
However,
he
determines
that
while
society
is
at
a
lower
level,
it
should
also
be
conducted
by
cooperative
governance,
for
all
its
flaws.
But
as
was
said
above,
this
is
the
drawback
in
his
method.
Soviet
Russia
has
already
proven
that
an
insufficiently
developed
society
will
invert
the
cooperative
governance
into
the
worst
governance
in
the
world.
Moreover,
he
assumed
that
the
subsequent
phase
to
the
ruin
of
today’s
governance
is
the
governance
of
the
workers,
but
reality
has
shown
that
the
subsequent
governance
to
today’s
governance
is
the
Nazi
or
fascistic
governance.
This
is
a
grave
error.
And
worst
of
all,
its
completion,
by
and
large,
threatens
specifically
the
Jewish
nation,
without
any
differentiation
of
class.
We
should
indeed
learn
from
history.
First
arises
the
question:
Such
a
supervisor
who
has
shaken
the
world
with
his
method,
how
did
he
make
such
a
grave
mistake?
What
is
the
obstacle
that
tripped
him?
Indeed,
this
mandates
serious
and
meticulous
consideration
of
his
words.
As
was
said
above,
he
based
his
method
on
historic
materialism—that
society
develops
through
its
conflicting
forces
by
way
of
cause
and
consequence,
from
state
to
state.
When
the
negative
force
prevails,
it
ruins
the
state,
and
a
better
state
emerges
in
its
stead
through
the
positive
force.
They
continue
to
fight
until
eventually
the
positive
force
appears
in
full.
However,
this
means
that
the
perfection
of
society
is
guaranteed
by
default,
since
the
negative
force
will
not
leave
it
before
it
brings
it
to
completion.
It
follows
that
we
can
sit
idly
and
wait
for
the
anticipated
self-development.
So
why
all
this
trouble
of
this
tactic
he
had
placed
upon
us?
Indeed,
it
is
a
silly
question,
for
this
is
the
whole
difference
between
man
and
beast:
All
animals
rely
entirely
on
nature.
They
are
utterly
unable
to
promote
nature
or
help
themselves
without
it.
Not
so
with
man.
He
is
endowed
with
intellectual
powers
by
which
he
becomes
free
of
the
shackles
of
nature
and
promotes
it.
His
way
is
to
emulate
nature’s
work
and
do
likewise.
He
does
not
wait
for
the
fledglings
to
hatch
naturally,
for
the
hen
to
come
and
warm
the
eggs.
Rather,
he
builds
for
himself
a
machine
that
warms
the
eggs
and
hatches
the
chicks,
like
the
natural
hen.
And
if
he
does
this
in
specific
things,
he
will
certainly
do
it
with
regard
to
the
development
of
the
whole
of
humanity.
He
will
not
rely
on
the
conflicting
forces,
with
him
becoming
an
object
in
their
collisions.
Rather,
he
will
advance
nature
and
will
thoroughly
emulate
its
work
in
this
development.
He
will
arrange
for
himself
a
good
and
convenient
tactic
to
bring
about
the
happy
end
in
less
time
and
with
less
suffering.
This
is
what
Marx
wanted
by
his
tactic:
the
organization,
the
Class
Conflicts,
and
placing
hurdles
to
undermine
the
capitalistic
regime.
His
tactic
would
ease
the
pains
of
the
suffering
subjects,
and
the
stomping
on
their
backs.
It
would
invigorate
them
to
be
their
own
subjects
and
rush
the
end
of
the
backward
regime
to
make
room
for
the
happy
rule
of
the
proletariat.
In
a
word,
the
Marxist
tactic
turns
the
objects
into
subjects,
establishing
for
them
development
as
they
wish.
Summary:
The
basis
is
the
nature
of
human
development
through
causal
connection,
which
we
see
as
a
natural
machine
for
development.
The
tactic
is
a
kind
of
artificial
machine
for
human
development,
similar
to
the
natural
machine.
The
benefit
from
the
tactic
is
saving
time
and
diminishing
agony.
Now
we
can
begin
the
critique
of
his
method
in
a
simple
manner.
It
is
clear
that
when
we
want
to
make
a
machine
that
replaces
nature’s
work,
we
first
need
to
closely
observe
nature’s
mechanism.
Subsequently,
we
can
set
up
an
artificial
mechanism
similar
to
the
natural
machine.
For
example,
if
we
want
to
make
a
machine
that
replaces
a
hen’s
belly,
which
warms
the
eggs
and
hatches
the
chicks,
we
must
first
thoroughly
understand
nature’s
forces
and
manners
of
development,
which
operate
in
the
hen’s
belly.
We
observe
them
and
make
a
machine
similar
to
a
hen’s
belly,
which
can
hatch
chicks
likewise.
It
is
likewise
concerning
our
matter.
When
we
want
to
make
a
machine
that
will
replace
the
machine
of
natural
human
development,
here,
too,
we
must
first
examine
those
two
forces—positive
and
negative—that
operate
in
nature.
It
is
a
machine
by
which
nature
performs
the
procedure
of
development.
Then
we,
too,
will
know
how
to
establish
a
tactic
that
is
similar
to
the
mechanism
of
nature’s
natural
machine
of
development,
and
which
will
be
just
as
successful
in
developing
humanity.
Clearly,
if
we
misunderstand
the
mechanism
of
the
natural
machine,
our
substitute
will
be
useless,
since
the
whole
idea
here
is
to
mimic
natural
ways
of
creation
and
adapt
artificial
ones
in
their
stead.
To
be
original,
to
define
the
matters
in
terms
that
will
prevent
any
mistakes
by
any
party,
we
should
define
the
two
forces—positive
and
negative—operating
in
the
machine
of
human
development
by
two
names:
“egoism”
and
“altruism.”
am
not
referring
to
the
moral
terms
regarding
them,
which
we
ordinarily
use.
Rather,
only
to
the
material
aspect
of
them,
meaning
the
extent
to
which
they
are
rooted
in
man’s
body
to
the
point
that
one
can
no
longer
liberate
oneself
from
them.
That
is,
with
respect
to
their
being
active
forces
in
a
person:
1)
The
egoistic
force
functions
in
a
person
similar
to
centripetal
rays
[a
force
that
aims
toward
the
center
in
a
circular
motion],
drawing
them
from
outside
the
person,
and
they
gather
within
the
body
itself.
2)
The
altruistic
serves
as
centrifugal
rays
[a
force
directing
outward
in
a
circular
motion],
which
flow
from
within
the
body
outward.
These
forces
exist
in
all
parts
of
reality,
in
each
according
to
its
essence.
They
also
exist
in
man,
according
to
his
essence.
They
are
the
key
factors
in
all
our
actions.
There
are
facts
that
are
caused
by
a
force
that
serves
for
one’s
own
individual
existence.
This
is
like
a
force
that
draws
from
the
external
reality
to
the
center
of
the
body
anything
that
is
beneficial
to
itself.
Were
it
not
for
this
force,
which
serves
one,
the
object
itself
would
not
exist.
This
is
called
“egoism.”
Conversely,
there
are
facts
that
are
caused
by
a
force
that
flows
toward
benefiting
bodies
outside
of
itself.
This
force
works
to
benefit
others,
and
it
can
be
called
“altruism.”
By
these
distinctions,
name
the
two
forces
that
struggle
with
one
another
on
the
path
of
human
development.
will
call
the
positive
force,
an
“altruistic
force,”
and
will
call
the
negative
force,
an
“egoistic
force.”
By
the
term,
“egoism,”
am
not
referring
to
the
original
egoism.
Rather,
am
referring
to
“narrow
egoism.”
That
is,
the
original
egoism
is
nothing
but
self-love,
which
is
all
of
one’s
positive,
individualistic
power
of
existence.
In
that
respect,
it
is
not
at
odds
with
the
altruistic
force,
although
it
does
not
serve
it.
However,
it
is
the
nature
of
egoism
that
the
manner
of
using
it
makes
it
very
narrow,
since
it
is
more
or
less
compelled
to
acquire
a
nature
of
hatred
and
exploitation
of
others
in
order
to
make
one’s
own
existence
easier.
Also,
it
is
not
abstract
hatred,
but
one
that
appears
in
acts
of
abusing
one’s
friend
for
one’s
own
benefit,
growing
murkier
according
to
its
degrees,
such
as
deceiving,
stealing,
robbing,
and
murdering.
This
is
called
“narrow
egoism,”
and
in
that
respect
it
is
at
odds
with—and
the
complete
opposite
from—love
of
others.
It
is
a
negative
force
that
destroys
the
society.
Its
opposite
is
the
altruistic
force.
This
is
society’s
constructive
force,
since
all
that
one
does
for
another
is
done
only
by
the
altruistic
force,
as
said
above.
Also,
it
ascends
in
its
degrees:
1)
The
first
facts
of
this
constructive
force
are
having
children
and
family
life.
2)
The
second
ones
are
benefiting
relatives.
3)
The
third
is
benefiting
the
state,
4)
and
the
fourth
is
to
benefit
the
entire
world.
The
whole
cause
of
the
social
structuring
is
the
altruistic
force.
As
said
above,
these
are
the
elements
that
operate
in
the
natural
machine
of
the
development
of
humanity—the
egoistic
force,
which
is
negative
to
society,
and
the
altruistic,
positive
force,
which
is
positive
for
society.
In
his
emulation
of
the
natural
machine
of
development,
Marx
regarded
only
the
results
of
these
negative
and
positive
forces,
which
are
the
construction
and
destruction
that
take
place
in
society.
He
established
the
plan
of
his
tactic
according
to
them
and
overlooked
what
causes
these
results.
This
is
similar
to
a
physician
not
noticing
the
root
cause
of
an
illness
but
healing
the
patient
only
according
to
its
superficial
symptoms.
This
method
always
does
more
harm
than
good,
since
you
must
take
both
into
account:
the
cause
of
the
illness
and
the
illness
itself,
and
then
you
can
prescribe
a
successful
remedy.
That
same
deficiency
exists
in
the
Marxist
tactic:
He
did
not
take
into
account
the
subjective
forces
in
society,
but
only
the
constructive
and
the
flaws.
As
a
result,
the
direction
of
his
tactic
was
opposite
from
the
purposeful
direction,
for
while
the
purposeful
direction
is
altruistic,
the
direction
of
the
tactic
was
to
the
contrary.
It
is
clear
that
the
cooperative
governance
must
be
conducted
in
an
altruistic
direction,
since
the
very
words,
“just
division,”
contain
a
pure
altruistic
perception,
and
is
completely
devoid
of
the
framework
of
egoism.
Egoism
strives
to
use
the
other
entirely
for
oneself.
For
itself,
there
is
no
justice
in
reality
whatsoever,
as
long
as
it
is
not
working
for
its
own
good.
The
very
word,
“justice,”
means
“mutual,
fair
relations,”
which
is
a
concept
in
favor
of
the
other.
And
to
the
same
extent
that
it
acknowledges
the
entitlement
of
the
other,
it
necessarily
loses
its
own
egoistic
entitlement.
It
turns
out
that
the
very
term,
“just
division,”
is
an
altruistic
one.
Factually
speaking,
it
is
impossible
to
mend
the
rifts
that
arise
in
society
with
just
division,
unless
by
exaggerated
altruism.
It
is
so
because
the
reward
for
spiritual
work
is
greater
than
that
of
physical
work,
and
the
work
of
the
nimble
is
more
rewarding
than
the
work
of
the
slow,
and
a
bachelor
should
receive
less
than
one
who
has
a
family.
Also,
the
work
hours
should
be
equal
to
all,
and
the
produce
of
the
work
should
be
equal
to
all.
Indeed,
how
do
we
mend
these
rifts?
These
are
the
main
rifts,
but
they
split
into
myriad
other
rifts,
as
it
appears
before
us
in
the
Soviet
play.
The
only
way
to
patch
them
is
through
a
good
altruistic
will,
where
the
spiritual
workers
relinquish
some
of
their
share
in
favor
of
the
physical
workers,
and
the
bachelors
in
favor
of
the
married
...
or
as
Marx
himself
put
it,
“The
work
itself
will
become
an
imperative
need
and
not
merely
a
means
of
provision.”
This
is
nothing
short
of
a
complete
altruistic
direction.
And
since
the
purposeful
regime
must
be
in
the
altruistic
nature,
it
is
necessary
that
the
tactic
that
aims
toward
that
goal
should
also
be
in
the
same
direction
as
the
goal,
namely
an
altruistic
direction.
However,
in
the
Marxist
tactic,
we
find
the
narrowest
egoistic
direction.
This
is
the
opposite
direction
from
the
goal:
the
nurturing
of
hatred
of
the
opposite
class,
placing
hurdles
and
ruining
the
old
regime,
and
cultivating
among
the
workers
a
feeling
that
the
whole
world
is
enjoying
on
the
back
of
their
work.
All
these
overly
intensify
the
narrow
egoistic
forces
among
the
workers.
It
completely
deprives
them
of
the
altruistic
force
inherent
in
them
by
nature.
And
if
the
tactic
is
in
the
opposite
direction
to
the
goal,
how
will
one
ever
reach
it?
This
engendered
the
contradiction
between
his
theory
and
the
new
reality:
He
thought
that
the
subsequent
stage
to
the
bourgeois
regime
would
be
a
cooperative
workers’
regime,
but
in
the
end,
we
are
living
witnesses
that
if
the
democratic
bourgeois
government
were
to
be
ruined
now,
a
Nazi
and
fascist
regime
would
promptly
rise
in
its
stead.
Also,
it
will
not
necessarily
be
through
the
current
war,
but
whenever
the
democratic
government
is
ruined,
a
fascist,
Nazi
regime
will
inherit
it.
There
is
no
doubt
that
if
this
were
to
happen,
the
workers
would
be
pushed
back
a
thousand
years.
They
will
have
to
wait
for
several
regimes
to
arise
by
cause
and
consequence
before
the
world
returns
to
today’s
democratic
bourgeois
regime.
All
this
emerged
out
of
the
egoistic
tactic
that
was
given
to
those
subjects
that
should
be
the
workers’
governance
and
led
the
movement
in
an
opposite
direction
from
the
goal.
We
should
also
take
into
account
that
all
those
who
are
ruining
the
natural
process
of
the
just
governance
actually
came
from
the
proletariat
and
emerged
from
their
midst,
and
not
necessarily
the
Soviets,
but
the
majority
of
Nazis
were
also
initially
pure
socialists,
as
well
as
the
majority
of
fascists.
Even
Mussolini
himself
was
initially
an
enthusiastic
socialist
leader.
This
completes
the
picture,
how
the
Marxist
tactic
has
led
the
workers
in
the
complete
opposite
direction
from
the
goal.
Indeed,
it
is
difficult
to
determine
that
such
a
straightforward
matter
will
be
overlooked
by
the
creator
of
the
Marxist
method,
especially
since
he
himself
determined
that
“There
is
no
remedy
for
the
cooperative
society
before
the
crass
hierarchy
in
division
of
work
and
conflicts
between
physical
work
and
spiritual
work
disappears.”
Thus,
it
is
clear
that
he
was
aware
that
a
cooperative
society
without
the
members’
complete
relinquishment
of
their
shares
in
favor
of
the
fellow
person
is
unsustainable.
And
since
he
knew
of
that
altruistic
element
that
is
mandatory
in
society,
say
that
he
did
not
intend
at
all
to
offer
us
a
purposeful
procedure
by
his
tactic.
Rather,
he
intended
primarily
to
hurry—through
this
tactic—the
end
of
the
present
unjust
governance,
on
the
one
hand,
and
on
the
other
hand,
to
organize
the
international
proletariat
and
prepare
them
to
be
a
strong,
decisive
force
when
the
bourgeois
regime
is
ruined.
These
are
two
necessary
fundamentals
in
the
stages
that
facilitate
the
regime
of
a
cooperative
society.
In
that
respect,
his
tactic
is
a
genius
invention,
the
like
of
which
we
do
not
find
in
history.
And
concerning
the
establishing
of
the
happy
society,
he
relied
on
history
itself
to
complete
it,
for
it
was
clear
to
him
that
in
dire
times,
when
the
bourgeois
regime
begins
to
die,
the
proletariat
organization
will
find
itself
unprepared
to
assume
governance.
At
that
time,
the
workers
will
have
to
choose
one
of
two
options:
1)
either
to
destroy
themselves
and
let
the
true
destructors,
the
Nazis
and
the
fascists,
take
over
the
helm
of
governance,
or
2)
find
a
good
tactic
by
which
to
qualify
the
workers
to
assume
governance
into
their
own
hands.
In
his
mind,
he
was
certain
that
when
we
come
to
a
state
where
the
international
proletariat
joins
into
a
decisive
power
in
the
world,
we
will
thank
him
for
the
validity
of
his
method,
which
has
brought
us
thus
far,
and
we
ourselves
will
seek
the
way
to
continue
moving
toward
the
goal.
Indeed,
there
has
never
been
an
inventor
who
did
not
leave
the
completion
of
his
work
to
his
successors.
If
we
look
deeper
into
his
method
we
will
see
that,
in
fact,
he
could
not
invent
for
us
the
tactic
to
complete
the
qualification
of
the
workers,
as
they
are
two
procedures
that
contradict
one
another.
To
create
the
fastest
movement
and
annihilate
the
governances
of
abusers,
he
had
to
use
the
procedure
in
the
direction
of
the
narrowest
egoism,
meaning
to
develop
profound
hatred
to
the
class
of
abusers
in
order
to
increase
the
negative
power
into
an
instrument
that
can
destroy
the
old
regime
in
the
quickest
possible
time,
and
to
organize
the
workers
in
the
strongest
ties.
For
this
reason,
he
had
to
uproot
and
neutralize
the
altruistic
force
in
the
proletariat,
whose
nature
is
to
tolerate
and
concede
to
its
abusers.
To
qualify
the
workers
in
“practical
socialism,”
so
they
could
assume
the
governance
de
facto,
he
had
to
use
the
procedure
in
the
altruistic
direction,
which
contradicts
the
“organizational
procedure.”
Thus,
he
must
have
left
this
work
for
us
on
purpose.
He
did
not
doubt
our
understanding
or
ability
since
the
matter
was
so
straightforward
that
a
cooperative
government
is
feasible
only
on
an
altruistic
basis,
so
we
would
have
to
adopt
a
new
tactic
in
the
altruistic
direction
and
qualify
the
workers
to
take
governance
into
their
hands
in
a
practical
and
sustainable
manner.
However,
to
comment
on
it,
he
found
it
necessary
to
depict
for
us
the
form
of
just
governance
of
the
proletariat
in
the
abbreviated
words,
“Society
will
make
its
motto,
‘From
each
according
to
his
skills,
to
each
according
to
his
work.’”
Thus,
even
a
totally
blind
person
would
find
these
words
to
mean
that
just
governance
is
inconceivable
if
not
in
an
altruistic
society
in
the
full
sense
of
the
word.
From
that
perspective,
Marxism
did
not
encounter
any
confrontation
due
to
the
unsuccessful
Russian
experiment.
And
if
Marxism
has
been
stopped,
it
is
only
because
its
role
in
the
first
act
has
been
completed,
namely
organizing
the
international
proletariat
into
a
force.
Now
we
must
find
a
practical
way
to
qualify
the
movement
to
actually
assume
the
government
into
its
hands.
As
said
above,
the
current
procedure
must
be
in
the
completely
opposite
direction
from
the
previous
tactic.
Where
we
had
cultivated
excessive
egoism,
which
was
very
successful
in
the
first
act,
we
must
now
cultivate
excessive
altruism
among
the
workers.
This
is
utterly
mandatory
for
the
social
nature
of
the
cooperative
regime.
Thus,
we
will
lead
the
movement
with
confidence
to
its
practical
role
of
assuming
governance
into
its
own
hands
in
its
final,
happy
form.
know
that
it
is
not
the
easiest
work
to
completely
reverse
the
direction
of
the
movement
so
that
all
who
hear
it
will
be
burned
by
it
as
if
by
boiling
water.
Yet,
it
is
not
as
bad
as
it
is
portrayed.
We
can
bring
the
movement
into
recognition
through
proper
explanation
that
the
interest
of
the
class
depends
on
this,
“whether
it
persists
or
perishes,”
whether
to
continue
the
Marxist
movement
or
hand
over
the
reigns
of
governance
to
the
Nazis
and
the
fascists—the
most
dangerous
forces
to
the
government
of
the
workers,
which
pose
the
risk
of
regression
by
a
thousand
years.
When
the
masses
understand
this,
it
is
certain
that
they
will
easily
adopt
the
new,
practical
tactic
leading
them
to
actual
assumption
of
the
governance.
Who
does
not
remember
how
the
whole
world
anxiously
awaited
the
successful
end
of
the
Soviet
regime?
And
were
they
not
successful,
the
whole
world
would
undoubtedly
be
under
the
reins
of
the
cooperative
government.
Indeed,
the
Russians
could
not
possibly
succeed
because
the
organizational
direction
to
which
the
masses
are
accustomed
is
the
egoistic
one,
which
is
necessary
in
the
first
act,
and
by
nature,
it
is
a
power
that
destroys
the
cooperative
governance.
Before
the
method
is
accepted,
it
is
too
soon
to
speak
in
detail
about
the
practical
program
of
this
direction,
especially
since
the
essay
has
become
too
long
already.
Briefly,
we
can
say
that
we
must
set
up
such
dissemination,
scientifically
and
practically,
that
will
be
certain
to
install
in
the
public
opinion
that
any
member
who
does
not
excel
in
altruism
is
like
a
predator
that
is
unfit
to
be
among
humans,
until
one
feels
oneself
within
the
society
as
a
murderer
and
a
robber.
If
we
systematically
engage
in
circulating
this
matter
using
the
appropriate
manners,
it
will
not
require
such
a
long
process.
Hitlerism
proves
that
within
a
short
period
of
time,
an
entire
country
has
been
turned
upside
down
through
propaganda
and
accepted
his
bizarre
notion.
Now
that
historic
facts
have
clarified
the
right
way
in
which
the
movement
should
go
henceforth,
urgently
appeal
to
our
workers.
As
was
said
above,
the
nations
of
the
world
may
wait,
especially
now
that
there
is
global
upheaval
and
we
must
first
be
rid
of
the
Hitlerian
danger.
But
we
have
no
time
to
waste.
ask
that
you
will
promptly
pay
attention
to
this
new
method
that
have
proposed,
and
which
call
“practical
socialism,”
for
until
now
the
role
of
socialism,
in
my
view,
was
merely
“organizational
socialism,”
as
said
above.
If
my
method
is
accepted,
we
should
also
change
the
outward
tactic,
where
instead
of
the
old
weapon
of
class
hatred
and
hatred
of
religion,
they
will
be
given
a
new
weapon
of
hatred
of
the
excessive
egoism
in
the
proprietors.
It
is
successful
for
its
task
from
every
angle
because
not
only
will
the
opposite
class
be
unable
to
defend
using
the
thick
shields
of
moral
and
religious
dogmas,
it
will
also
uproot
along
the
way
various
noxious
weeds
of
Nazism
and
fascism
that
have
taken
root
quite
strongly
among
the
proletariat
itself,
risking
its
existence,
as
above
said.
We
should
also
take
into
account
the
beauty
of
this
weapon,
which
is
most
enticing
and
can
unite
our
youth
around
it.
In
fact,
the
change
is
not
so
much
in
the
tactic,
but
only
in
the
result.
Until
now,
when
they
fought
against
the
depriving
of
the
class,
the
fighter
always
looks
through
the
narrow
possessive-egoistic
perspective,
as
he
is
protecting
his
own
possession.
Thus,
along
with
his
war,
the
excessive
egoistic
force
increases
in
him,
and
the
warriors
themselves
are
caught
up
in
the
same
bourgeois
perspective.
It
is
also
very
unlike
the
proprietors’
approach,
for
they
believe
they
have
complete
entitlement
from
all
sides,
by
law,
religion,
and
ethics,
protecting
themselves
by
all
the
means.
However,
when
fighting
against
the
egoism
of
the
proprietors
using
the
broad
perspective
of
an
altruistic
perception,
the
result
is
that
the
power
of
altruism
grows
within
them
in
proportion
to
the
level
of
their
struggle.
Thus,
the
entitlement
of
the
proprietors
becomes
very
flawed
and
they
cannot
defend
themselves,
for
this
type
of
war
relies
heavily
on
the
ethical
and
religious
perception
in
the
proprietors
themselves.
Thus,
my
method
holds
the
basis
for
national
unity,
for
which
we
are
so
thirsty
at
this
time.
Presumably,
history
itself
has
already
broken
many
of
the
political
partitions
among
us,
for
now
we
can
no
longer
distinguish
between
non-Zionists,
spiritual
Zionists,
political
Zionists,
territorial
ones,
etc.
Now
that
all
the
hopes
of
breathing
free
air
outside
our
country
have
been
shattered,
even
the
most
devout
non-Zionists
have
become,
by
necessity,
complete
practical
Zionists.
Thus,
in
principle,
the
majority
of
rifts
among
us
have
been
mended.
However,
we
are
still
suffering
from
two
terrible
partitions:
1)
class
partition;
2)
religious
partition.
We
must
not
slight
these
whatsoever,
nor
can
we
hope
to
ever
be
rid
of
them.
However,
if
my
new
method
of
“practical
socialism,”
which
have
suggested,
is
accepted
by
the
movement,
we
will
be
rid
once
and
for
all
of
the
class
wedge,
too,
which
has
been
stuck
in
the
nation’s
back.
As
was
said
above,
the
new
tactic
takes
much
from
religion,
and
does
not
aim
at
the
abusing
sinners,
but
only
at
their
sins—only
at
the
contemptible
egoism
within
them.
In
truth,
that
same
war
will
unfold
in
part
within
the
movement,
too,
which
will
necessarily
abolish
class
hatred
and
religious
hatred.
We
will
obtain
the
ability
to
understand
one
another
and
achieve
complete
unity
of
the
nation
with
all
its
factions
and
parties,
as
this
perilous
time
for
all
of
us
requires.
This
is
the
guarantee
to
our
victory
on
all
fronts.
Regarding
the
Question
of
the
Day
We
have
grown
weary
of
the
contradicting
pieces
of
information
regarding
Italy’s
joining
the
war
that
we
receive
each
day.
Once,
we
are
promised
that
Mussolini
would
not
dare
to
fight
the
Allies,
and
once,
that
he
is
promptly
joining
the
war.
Changes
occur
daily,
and
nerves
are
wrecked.
All
indications
show
that
all
these
pieces
of
information
are
edited
and
presented
to
us
by
a
Hitler-Mussolini
factory,
whose
only
aim
is
to
weaken
our
nerves.
One
way
or
the
other,
we
must
seek
shelter
from
them.
We
must
promptly
turn
away
from
all
these
odd
pieces
of
news
and
try
to
follow
the
leading
factors
and
all
of
these
adventures
by
ourselves,
so
we
might
understand
from
them
all
those
perplexing
moves
of
Hitler-Mussolini.
But
mainly,
we
should
note
the
contract
of
their
agreement.
It
is
known
that
they
have
signed
two
contracts:
The
first
was
merely
a
political
agreement,
which
they
named
the
“Rome-Berlin
Axis.”
Its
content
is
mutual
political
aid
and
division
of
certain
areas
of
influence
between
them.
Following
this
agreement,
Hitler
provided
political
aid
to
Mussolini
in
his
war
in
Ethiopia,
and
Mussolini
did
likewise
for
Hitler
in
his
prewar
adventures,
and
continues
to
do
it
still.
2)
Near
the
outbreak
of
the
war,
they
made
a
second,
military
pact,
whose
content
we
do
not
know.
However,
in
general,
we
know
that
they
have
committed
to
actual
mutual
military
aid.
There
is
sufficient
proof
to
assume
that
they
did
not
commit
to
wage
the
war
together
promptly,
as
with
the
England-France
agreement.
This
agreement
was
built
entirely
on
Hitler’s
initiative,
for
with
it
he
wished
to
secure
himself
from
any
trouble
that
might
come—should
he
be
in
military
crisis
and
will
need
Italy’s
assistance.
At
such
a
time,
the
agreement
commits
Italy
to
come
to
his
aid,
following
Hitler’s
invitation,
and
naturally,
under
certain
conditions
regarding
the
division
of
the
spoil.
But
essentially,
Hitler
did
not
think
that
he
would
need
Italy’s
military
assistance.
There
were
two
reasons
for
it:
1)
He
was
confident
of
his
strength
and
did
not
trust
Italy’s
military
skills.
2)
The
previous
political
agreement,
too,
the
“Rome-Berlin
Axis,”
already
secured
him
substantial
military
aid,
since
by
mere
political
maneuvers
Italy
could
occupy
many
of
his
enemies’
forces
on
the
borders
of
Italy.
This
is
not
far
from
taking
an
active
role
in
the
war.
Thus,
he
had
no
desire
at
all
to
actually
include
Mussolini
in
his
war.
The
military
pact
that
he
had
made
with
him
was
only
in
case
of
a
military
crisis,
which
would
commit
Mussolini
to
come
to
his
aid
explicitly
following
Hitler’s
invitation,
and
the
initiative
would
not
be
in
Mussolini’s
hands
at
all.
Correspondingly,
Mussolini
was
hoping
to
fulfill
through
this
war
all
of
his
fascist
plans
to
reinstate
the
ancient
Roman
Empire.
He
could
not
have
hoped
for
a
better
opportunity
than
to
fight
his
war
alongside
Hitler.
Undoubtedly,
he
is
anxious
for
the
moment
when
Hitler
asks
him
to
join
him
in
the
war.
Presumably,
Hitler
has
not
lost
faith
in
his
power
and
as
yet
has
no
desire
whatsoever
to
include
him
in
the
war,
or
put
differently,
to
share
the
spoil
with
him.
It
therefore
follows
that
as
long
as
we
do
not
feel
that
there
is
a
real
crisis
among
Hitler’s
armies,
we
have
nothing
to
fear
from
Mussolini’s
threats
and
his
preparations
for
the
war.
These
are
nothing
but
shrewd
military
maneuvers
intended
to
stall
the
Allies
on
his
borders
and
weaken
the
power
of
the
Allies
in
the
front
as
much
as
possible,
in
accord
with
the
conditions
of
the
“Rome-Berlin
Axis”
contract.
(While
writing,
information
has
arrived
that
Italy
has
joined
the
war,
so
the
essay
was
stopped
midway.
We
will
finish
the
article
according
to
the
present
reality.)
Now
that
Italy’s
joining
the
war
has
become
a
fact,
much
has
been
clarified,
if
we
discuss
according
to
the
line
we
have
depicted.
Now
we
know
for
certain
that
in
the
last
battle,
Hitler
has
come
to
a
real
crisis
and
his
powers
have
been
completely
worn
there.
Otherwise,
there
is
no
doubt
that
he
would
not
include
Italy
in
the
war.
For
this
reason,
Italy’s
joining
the
war
is
good
news,
of
sorts,
concerning
Germany’s
downfall.
We
hope
that
Italy’s
assistance
will
not
save
it,
too,
and
now
the
victory
of
the
Allies
is
more
certain
than
ever.
Public
Stage
We
hereby
offer
room
in
our
paper
for
a
“public
stage”
for
anyone
who
discusses
national
matters,
and
especially
the
unification
of
the
nation.
Also,
anyone
with
an
important
national
matter,
or
a
plan
to
unite
the
nation,
as
well
as
arguments
that
scrutinize
these
matters—we
are
willing
to
take
them
and
publish
them
in
our
paper.
The
Editors