I understand that these books are written in a special language called the language of branches. What is it? The language of branches, Baal HaSulam explains about it already in the first part of Tess, that all the books, real books, in the wisdom of Kabbalah are written that way, in the language of branches, meaning that we have a system that is above the attainment of a person and that gradually comes down, materializes, comes closer to us until it comes to a state where an ordinary person can start studying it, learning it, and by it come closer to ascend to spiritual degrees. And this is actually the first, very first purpose of the writing of such a book. I heard that people that read Kabbalah books can draw special light into their life. What is that? Yeah, that's correct. It's because the subject of the book speaks of spiritual forces that are not revealed in our world. So what follows is that we, by starting to study about them, by connecting to them, even if we don't really know, we draw these forces upon ourselves, and this is how we, as if, come closer to them, so much so that we start feeling them. It takes much time, and effort, and persistence, and studying, learning. This is how we begin to acknowledge these forces. When a person starts to feel and become acquainted with these forces, it means that he starts developing from below up, seemingly, as if. What do you mean, as if? As if he's ascending. There are no physical ascents and descents here. What then? There is an ascent here in terms of attainment. So I want to ask about the books that talk about the attainment of a person. I understand that the main books that we study in our time that describe the ascent from below up are the books written by Baal HaSulam, introductions, articles, and also his son, RABASH, who was your teacher in many of the articles that he wrote. What is actually the main theme in these books? What do they talk about? They talk of the actions of the Creator, that the upper force that we call the Creator, the way He created man and arranged different systems in him. And how does a person exist in these systems that the Creator has created for him, and bit by bit, gradually, attains the Creator Himself? What is the role of these books that describe the ascent from below up in relation to me? What do they want to bring into my life? They want to acquaint you with the upper system that governs the whole of reality. They want to acquaint you with the upper force, the Creator, through the several forces by which He works on us, and that we, from below up to Him, can come to know Him. What's special about the books written by your teacher, RABASH? Dharabash added to his father's books, Baal HaSulam. And he added many explanations, brought the wisdom of Kabbalah even closer to us, so much so that we can feel ourselves close in feeling, in understanding, in realizing what Baal HaSulam wrote. Can these books bring me to feeling the upper force? Of course, this is their purpose. How does it feel, all of a sudden, feel the upper force? That's something that you can't describe. It's simply a person enters a reality that he starts to feel it. What does he feel? He starts to feel that these forces really act in the world, that it is a network of forces that we can discover, that we can connect to, that we can live with. What does it give a person if he starts living with the upper force? It gives a person the ability to understand the spiritual systems, and that it is all for him. Does it broaden one's mind? Yes. And the emotion? Emotion, too. What does it emotionally do to a person? Emotionally, that he enters it as a person who, suppose, for the very first time hears music. Before that, he never heard music. It's hard to imagine, because we all heard music. But this is what happens, that suddenly he starts to feel how the world around him, it's playing. Playing what? Love. Love? That's beautiful.