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Historical overview: the development of the wisdom of Kabbalah over the generations. The chain of Kabbalists

February 10

04:07 PM

Who is a spiritual teacher according to the wisdom of Kabbalah? What is a 'Kabbalist' and who is a real kabbalist? How did the wisdom of Kabbalah develop throughout history, and is there a connection between our collective spiritual development and various historical events? How is the wisdom of Kabbalah transmitted from generation to generation?

  1. Avraham (1813-1638 BCE)
  2. Moshe - Torah (between 1500-1300 BCE)
  3. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (RASHBI) - The Book of Zohar (± 90-160 CE)
  4. ARI (1534-1572)
  5. Rav Yehuda Leib Ha-Levi Ashlag - Baal HaSulam (1884-1954)
  6. Rav Baruch Shalom Ha-Levi Ashlag (RABASH) (1906-1991)
  7. Rav Michael Laitman (1946)

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