Lesson Local Meeting 12 - Convention Preparation

Local Meeting 12 - Convention Preparation

In the local meeting we go back on the key part of the lesson on the shattering, expand on the concept of workshop, and discuss the upcoming international convention

Lesson content

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In our next local meeting, we’ll take another look at the key lesson on “the shattering,” a core idea in Kabbalah.

We’ll also spend time discussing the workshop format, which is an important tool to correct this shattering. Workshops give us a chance to share, listen, and apply what we study in a more personal and interactive way. It’s not just about understanding ideas—it’s about experiencing them together.

Lastly, we’ll talk about the upcoming international convention, an exciting opportunity to connect with fellow students from around the world. We’ll go over what to expect, how to prepare, and why these gatherings are such a powerful part of our journey.

This meeting is a chance to reflect, share, and get ready for what’s ahead. Whether you’ve been studying for a while or are just starting out, everyone is welcome to join and be part of the conversation.

Local Meeting 12

“…There is indeed only one soul in the world… That same soul exists complete in each and every one, as in Adam HaRishon, since the spiritual is indivisible and cannot be cut—which is rather a trait of corporeal things. Rather, saying that there are 600,000 souls and sparks of souls appears as though it is divided by the force of the body of each person.”

– Baal HaSulam, ”600,000 Souls”

“…the whole is found within each element, since in the end, all the souls will unite into one discernment, returning to their spiritual root.” – Baal HaSulam, ”600,000 Souls”

“Many actions emerge from each created being, and in the end they will unite in one another until they literally become one action. This unification comes in every creature and its actions. …Hence, after all the actions of the creatures unite into an act, […], afterward, all the souls in the world must unite and merge into one soul, truly one, which emerges out of all the souls and they truly become one, as in the beginning of creation, when only one man [Adam] was created.”

– Baal HaSulam, “Man’s Actions and Tactics”


What was broken during the shattering and needs to be corrected?

“One who wants to taste a good taste in life should pay attention to his point in the heart. Every person has a point in the heart, except it does not shine. Rather, it is like a black dot. The point in the heart is a discernment of the Nefesh [soul] of Kedusha [holiness], whose nature is a vessel of bestowal. However, she is in a state of Shechina [Divinity] in the dust, meaning that a person regards her as nothing. Instead, to him she is as important as dust.”

– RABASH, Article No. 34, TANTA [Taamim, Nekudot, Tagin, Otiot]


How can we attract the force that corrects us?


Each of the team introduce how was there first convention

VIDEO - https://kabbalah.academy/en/videos/clip-final-world-kabbalah-convention-2023/