Lesson Ten Meeting - Preparation to the congress (#25)

Ten Meeting - Preparation to the congress (#25)

Lesson content

* Lishma
In order to attain Lishma [for Her sake], it is not within one’s hands to understand, as it is not for the human mind to grasp how such a thing can be in the world. This is so because one is only permitted to grasp that if he engages in Torah and Mitzvot [commandments] he will attain something. There must be self-benefit there for otherwise, one is unable to do anything. Rather, it is an illumination that comes from above, and only one who tastes it can know and understand. It is written about it, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”

Thus, we must understand why one should seek advice and counsels regarding how to achieve Lishma. After all, no counsels will help him, and if the Creator does not give him the second nature, called “the desire to bestow,” no labor will help him to attain the matter of Lishma.

The answer is, as our sages said, “It is not for you to complete the work, and you are not free to idle away from it.” This means that one must give the awakening from below, since this is regarded as a prayer.
*Baal HaSulam - Shamati 5. Lishma Is an Awakening from Above*

* Everyday we renew the work
The ARI says about Malchut that each day she is built anew, meaning that each day begins a new work to build the Malchut up to her state of Gadlut. Each day is a new discernment that we raise from BYA to Atzilut and take them out from the place where they fell into the Klipa, and raise them to Kedusha.
In the work, it becomes clear that each day, one should take upon oneself the burden of the kingdom of heaven anew, and not use what he had from yesterday. Rather, each day, one should accept the kingdom of heaven as something new. He does not use the kingdom of heaven he had yesterday. Rather, now he takes a new discernment, meaning that he still did not blemish this Malchut because she is a new discernment.
*Rabash - Shorten Articles 591*



  • Discuss in the ten: How do we plan on participating in the convention as a ten, to benefit others, in a mutual responsibility for the event's success.
    You're invited to fill the form with your impressions and/or questions that will benefit the entire young group.


* Keep yearning for correction
“He who comes to purify is aided.” This means that one should always be in a state of “coming.” And then, in any case, if he feels that he has purified, he no longer needs to aid him, since He purified and left. And if he feels that he is in a state of coming and going, then he is certainly assisted, since there is no prevention before the desire, as he is seeking the truth.
*Baal HaSulam - Shamati 131. Who Comes to Purify*


* The Torah, the Creator, and Israel are one.

Hence, when one learns Torah, he should learn Lishma [for Her sake]. This means that he is learning with the intention that the Torah will teach him, as is the name of the Torah, which means “instruction.” Because “The Torah, Israel, and the Creator are one,” the Torah teaches one the ways of the Creator, how He is clothed in the Torah.

*Baal HaSulam - Shamati 78*


Workshop 2 (if enough time)
How to renew our intention before the study?