Lesson Learning Process of the Global Course "Fundamentals of Kabbalah"

Learning Process of the Global Course "Fundamentals of Kabbalah"

Course overview: schedule, study program, syllabus, format, production roles.

Lesson content

Course Lessons topics:

  1. Human nature and the perception of reality according to Kabbalah
  2. The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah
  3. The three axis model
  4. Perception of reality
  5. The spiritual power inherent in authentic Kabbalah books
  6. Historical overview: the development of the wisdom of Kabbalah over the generations
  7. Free Will
  8. On body, soul and everything in between
  9. Studying a kabbalistic text: “There Is None Else Besides Him”
  10. On the difference between authentic Kabbalah, religions, and other spiritual methods
  11. The four phases of direct light
  12. “Prayer” according to authentic Kabbalah wisdom
  13. Special Music Session
  14. Getting to know the global Bnei Baruch organisation
  15. From shattering to correction. Workshop.
  16. “I shall see an opposite world”
  17. The spiritual meaning hidden between the stories of the Bible according to the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah
  18. The Book of Zohar
  19. The Study of the Ten Sefirot
  20. “And choose life!” Choosing a good environment.
  21. “The Love of the Creator and the Love of the Creatures”
  22. The Path of Torah and the Path of Suffering
  23. We have gathered here
  24. Preparation for the World Kabbalah Convention
  25. Conclusion of the World Kabbalah Convention
  26. Preparation for tens
  27. Principles of the work in ten - part 1
  28. Principles of the work in ten - part 2
  29. Fundamentals of the spiritual work based on Baal HaSulam letter #1
  30. “Introduction to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” Course Summary


  1. The program of the next course - "Practical Kabbalah"/ Bnei Baruch NGO Presentation
  2. The meaning of the 'Teacher' in the Wisdom of Kabbalah
  3. Graduation Celebration