Lesson Helpful personal skills a Caretaker should have/develop

Helpful personal skills a Caretaker should have/develop

Module “Caretaking” Lesson 3

Lesson content

1) The most important thing: You should love people and caretaking!

2) Additional helpful psychological skills like the ability.

  • To inspire people (try to be an example for them, that they want to be like you).
  • To address shy people and to stop students who talk too much or too long in a friendly way; but it’s depending on the situation - if you are caretaking in a meeting/lesson or if you work in social networks.
  • To understand people’s questions/desires (sometimes the question they ask points to a hidden desire they themselves aren't aware. F.e. if a woman asks why women aren't shown in the same amount like men in Morning Lesson or videos. The desire behind the question could be, that she thinks, women in BB are not important. You could answer by emphasizing all the dissemination work women do and that they are a very important part in the community according to Rav). Answer such questions in a friendly way.
  • To calm down frictions or be helpful at clearing them by highlighting connection and love between us.

3) Observing the Workshop Rules or repeat them with the participants occasionally.

4) Knowledge where to turn to in case of special questions or how to deal with them (postpone answers in case of confusion, ask other caretakers or teachers what to answer).

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