Practical Kabbalah

Weekly Kabbalah Lesson, where we delve into the teachings of Baal HaSoulam, Rabash, and Rav Dr. Michael Laitman, live from Israel. This interactive session translated live and provides an opportunity for you to ask questions about the material and discuss experiences within your group. Together, we'll explore how to apply the wisdom and guidance of the Kabbalists to our daily lives.

18 Lessons
Lesson 1
Lesson 1 - Matan Torah

Going back to the bases of Baal HaSulam with the first article of the book by the same name "Matan Torah" where we can learn about the fundamental law of Nature described in the Torah. What is this main law of the reality and what does that mean to follow this law.

Lesson 2
Lesson #13

In the first part of the lesson, we will continue studying Rabash's article 'The Purpose of the Society-2' and focus on topic of the assembly of the friends. In the second part of the lesson, we will continue exploring Kabbalistic terms based on Baal HaSulam's book 'The Study of the Ten Sefirot' and continue clarifying the concept of 'Ein Sof' (Infinity).

Lesson 3
Lessons #14-15

In the first part of the lesson, we will learn the Rabash's article No.2 "Concerning Love of Friends". In the second part of the lesson, we will continue exploring Kabbalistic terms based on Baal HaSulam's book 'The Study of the Ten Sefirot' and continue clarifying the concept of the 'Four Behinot' [stages] in the desire.

Lesson 4
Lessons #16

In the first part of the lesson, we will learn the Rabash's article “Love of Friends - 1” In the second part of the lesson, we will continue exploring Kabbalistic terms based on Baal HaSulam's book 'The Study of the Ten Sefirot' and continue clarifying the concept of the 'Four Behinot' [stages] in the desire.

Lesson 5
Lessons #17

In the first part of the lesson, we will learn the Rabash's article #4 (1984) “Each One Shall Help His Friend”. In the second part of the lesson, we will learn items #15-16 from the "Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah"

Lesson 6
Lessons #18

In the first part of the lesson, we will learn Part 1. RABASH, article 5 (1984) “What Does the Rule, “Love Thy Friend as Thyself,” Give Us?”. In the second part of the lesson, we will go on learning items #15-16 from the "Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah"

Lesson 7
Lessons #19

In the first part of the lesson, we will learn RABASH, article n.6 (1984) “Love of Friends - 2”. In the second part of the lesson, we will go on learning items #1-4 from the "Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah"

Lesson 8
Lesson 23

Part 1: The Key Role of Daily Routine in Achieving the Goal Part 2: Concepts in the structure of the worlds

Lesson 9
Lesson # 24

Part 1: The Key Role of Daily Routine in Achieving the Goal Part 2: Concepts in the structure of the worlds

Lesson 10
Ten Meeting - Preparation to the congress (#25)

Lesson 11
Lesson 25

Part 1: Preparation for the World Kabbalah Convention 2025 Part 2: Concepts in the structure of the worlds: Baal HaSulam, Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, i.14-16

Lesson 12
Lesson 26 - Part 2: Congress Preparation - What is Lishma

Lesson 13
Ten Meeting - Lishma (#26)

Ten Meeting - Lishma

Lesson 14
Ten Meeting - Preparation to the congress (#27)

Ten Meeting - Young Group - Preparation to the convention

Lesson 15
Ten Meeting - Prayer for Lishma - Preparation to the congress (#28)

We are getting ready!

Lesson 16
Lesson 29

Young Group 2023/2024