Learn Kabbalah
from Authentic Sources

The "Bnei Baruch" Kabbalah Academy presents a free interactive course on authentic Kabbalah, broadcasted live from the Academy's headquarters in Israel, with simultaneous translation into more than 30 languages.
Online Course
Fundamentals of Kabbalah
Global Broadcast
The course is broadcasted from Israel and translated live into more than 30 languages.
Starting From
November 10th, 2024
30 weeks course
Course Topics

We will cover the various aspects of Kabbalah, providing the key concepts required to understand the main principles of this wisdom
The following themes will be covered among many others:
- What is Kabbalah?
- The Language of Kabbalah
- The Perception of Reality
- Freedom of Choice
- Structure of the Upper Worlds
- The Ten Sefirot
- The Development of the Soul
- The "Book of Zohar" and many more
Course Format

- The course is contained of two semesters, which are in total 30 weeks
- The participation is free of charge
2 sessions a week:
- First - is a live broadcast from Israel, translated simultaneously into your language.
- Second - is a gathering of your local learning community of the students in your native language
Course Materials

This course is based only on the authentic Kabbalistic Sources and methodology of their study, which were passed down from generation to generation, originating with the great kabbalists, such as rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (RASHBI), rabbi Isaac Luria Ashkenazi (ARI), rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag, known as Baal HaSulam ('Master of the Ladder') and his eldest son, rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH).
While developing this course we aimed at presenting the materials contained therein in an approachable and clear language, arranged in a consistent and a sequential manner.
About Bnei Baruch
The "Bnei Baruch" Kabbalah Academy (in Israel also known as "Kabbalah LaAm") is a non-profit and non-government education organization that teaches the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah worldwide. The "Bnei Baruch" headquarters is located in Petah Tikva (Israel) with an extensive network of branches in Israel and in over 150 countries around the world. Over 600,000 students and 4 million online users study Kabbalah on its Internet platforms.
"Bnei Baruch" broadcasts daily Kabbalah lessons, lectures, and programs with the participation of kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman, PhD and leading "Bnei Baruch" instructors, with simultaneous translation into more than 30 languages. All the materials are available to the public in the Kabbalah Media archive (www.kabbalahmedia.info), which is the only portal in the world with 20,000 Kabbalah lessons, 3000 original manuscripts, and over 2 million files, containing books, articles and more. Both, the live broadcasts and the archive, are accessible free of charge.

Founder and head of the "Bnei Baruch" Kabbalah Academy
Michael Laitman was born in the Belarusian city of Vitebsk in the former Soviet Union, (nowadays Belarus), in 1946. He moved to Israel in 1974 where he later discovered Kabbalah
He was the disciple of the Kabbalist Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (1906-1991), the firstborn son and successor of Kabbalist Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (1884-1954), known as Baal HaSulam for his Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar.
Studying and teaching Kabbalah for the past 45 years
Author of more than 70 books on Kabbalah, translated into more than 40 languages
Holds a PhD in philosophy, and a MSc in biocybernetics
Join the Online Course
Starting November 10th 2024
© Copyright - Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Academy